
The king of common sense: Jérôme Uthurry, Co-founder of Anomia, Neria & Ourama

Meet Jérôme Uthurry, co-founder of Anomia, Neria, and Neria, and Ourama, an expert in legal business development and a guest at The Cheat Code.

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The king of common sense: Jérôme Uthurry, Co-founder of Anomia, Neria & Ourama

The king of common sense

There are people whose discourse, naturally fluid and precise, can turn the biggest challenges into tangible opportunities. For that, these people use common sense. Well, Jérôme Uthurry, my partner, embodies common sense. He has supported hundreds of lawyers in the development of their business and has the ability to always take a step back from a situation in order to propose pragmatic areas for improvement and to hit where it hurts.

Co-founder of Anomia

Jérôme co-founded Anomia with Valentin Tonti-Bernard. He was the producer, the organizer. With a head for projects, he has been able to support large firms as well as smaller firms in their restructuring, but also in their business development methods and marketing methods.

Spending an hour talking with Jérôme was therefore obvious. His experience as a managing director at Anomia, where he accompanied lawyers on the verge of abandonment, by turning them into successful entrepreneurs, is nothing short of inspiring. He has this rare ability to “type where it hurts”, thus pushing entrepreneurs to confront reality, analyze their weaknesses and convert them into strengths.

In this special episode of The Cheat Code, Jérôme shares his vision of development, explores the impact of strategic communication and discusses recent developments in the legal sector.

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