
The best AIs to develop your law firm

Discover twenty AI tools for law firms that will serve you in the development of your clientele!

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The best AIs to develop your law firm

What AI should I use as a lawyer? If the answer that always comes up is ChatGPT, know that there are others that can be of great use to you as well. To help you, we have listed the AIs that can help you develop your practice, to save time and make your life easier.

The best AIs to help you every day

  • Microsoft Copilot Pro and Microsoft 365 Copilot : AI integrated into Microsoft tools. Copilot Pro is a real daily companion For the writing your e-mails and Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents, to help you prepare for your meetings... The Microsoft 365 Copilot version goes even further. Unlike the Pro version, which answers questions on a case-by-case basis without taking into account the previous data or the data available on your various Microsoft documents. The 365 version constantly uses all the data you share on your various documents.. Elle works as a team and uses existing corporate data protection policies. At Ourama, we are more like Team Google, so unfortunately we did not test the tool, but if you use the Microsoft suite on a daily basis and all your data is stored there, Microsoft Copilot offers seem more than promising to make your daily life easier.
  • SaneBox : Manage your mailbox can take hours. Sanebox analyzes your behavior, filters out superfluous emails and highlights important messages (without accessing the content of the emails).
  • : The perfect tool for boost your customer relationship and make your appointments more relevant. It allows automatically capture meeting notes, the tasks to be carried out And the meeting transcripts.

The AI lawyers

  • Genia-l : The AI tool powered by Lefevre-Dalloz, connected to their huge database, it will allow you to save precious days of work over the course of its use. In addition to the quantity of data on which it can rely, the tool has announced a partnership with Diapaz to use it.
  • Ordalie : The objective of Ordalie is to save you time in your research but also in the drafting of your contracts, by responding to all of your questions related to French law in order to help you in the exercise of your profession. Ordalie offers a interface that is very easy to handle, the possibility ofintegrate external site links to analyze them, answer your questions and everything has a very affordable price.
  • Predictice : In the same vein as the previous two, Predictice has the simple objective of offering lawyers an assistant to save them as much time as possible. Intuitive and allowing connect to a large number of databases, in particular a very practical feature is the connection to the INPI and to company files, ideal for creating documents.
  • Doctrine : Another option giving access to a huge database. In addition, they recently opened their own doctrine (the encyclopedia) of international taxation, offering access to extensive and accurate documentation.
  • Lexis Nexis : Lexis Nexis recently released its Artificial Intelligence model. They have developed an interface that is very pleasant to use and allows you to draw from their large database.
  • AutoLex is a generative AI solution for legal review and compliance analysis. The tool is integrated into Microsoft Word and allows you to create a contract library, and challenge your work
  • Clerk, AI & data at the service of law! Clerk combines the security of your data with a very intuitive and easy to use interface! They offer free demos! Go take a look!

The best AIs for content writing

  • GPT chat : The inevitable. There is a free version and a paid version that allows you to create chats with specific prompts. No need to present it in terms of how it works, but it is important to know how to use it well. Car ChatGPT is a great way to help you write your content ! We explain to you how to properly use the tool to avoid articles and posts that are “too GPT”: Watch the video.
  • Gemini : The equivalent of ChatGPT by Google. ChatGPT is still ahead, but beware, Google is investing a lot in Gemini and, month after month, the progress is obvious. It is progressing quickly, very quickly on the Google side! A rather interesting alternative to ChatGPT, which integrates with your Google tools.
  • : A tool for creating content to communicate on your activity, with a part dedicated to lawyers. Perfect for writing LinkedIn posts and articles. We invite you to give it a try!
  • Tome : for create presentations from texts (platelets, conventions Of honorary, cabinet presentations)... Very practical if design is not your strong suit or if you don't have the budget to work with us
  • jasper : Considered as The reference for AI in terms of content writing, this tool is perfect on paper if you write a lot of articles and posts on social networks. However, it offers prices that are slightly less affordable than other AIs. We have not yet tested it on our end. Do not hesitate to share your experiences with us.

Generate images

  • Lexica : The tool allows you to generate imagess with the help of AI, but we'll show you other tools that allow you to do that. The real strength of Lexica Is yours provide access to all the prompts that were used to generate the images, prompts that you can then reuse on the site or with another image generator.
  • MidJourney : The reference AI in terms of image creation! If you need to choose only one paid tool to generate images, this is the right software. Two drawbacks: the price, which is less accessible than other tools, and the use is a bit counterintuitive. Indeed, Midjourney gives you access to a Discord server to generate your images before giving you access to the real software, once you have generated a hundred images.
  • Dall-E : The tool that allows you to generate images directly in ChatGPT. The images will be much lower in quality than with Midjourney, but it's included in the ChatGPT subscription, which is very handy if you already planned to take out the subscription for content writing.

We made a video about how to use the three previous tools: Watch the video
  • Adobe Firefly : Same observation as DALL-E: still slightly behind Midjourney, but if you already have the Adobe suite, you might as well take advantage of it, especially as the tool is constantly improving. Firefly allows you to generatively generate, edit, and fill images. In addition, the tool is quite intuitive to use in Photoshop!

For your videos

  • Submagic : A software for Do assembly in an ultra-simplified way. The tool's AI will generate subtitles for you automatically, Remove the silences, improve video audio. All you have to do is change a few subtitles. There is a free version, perfect for testing the tool, but you will quickly be limited in creating in the long term with this version. We explain to you how the tool works on video: Discover the video on Submagic!

  • Heygen : Translate your videos and generate videos with artificial intelligence. allows you to create very high quality videos with an avatar that looks like you (and not robotic). Ideal for producing educational, multilingual, and realistic videos in seconds, without the need to go in front of a camera. The result is impressive, it is difficult to distinguish that it is false. We present the tool to you on video right here!

The AIs of your CRMs

Today, a good number of CRMs offer artificial intelligence options to add to your subscription. This is the case, for example, with Hubspot, Diapaz with Genia-l, Salesforce, Pipedrive, and many others. (Discover our article on CRMs.) AIs vary from one CRM to another but they Help you globally in managing your pipeline, automations, writing emails, etc. Too often forgotten, remember to take a closer look at whether your CRM offers AI and its services that could be very useful to you.