
Generate your videos using AI

Develop your brand by creating videos using artificial intelligence.

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Generate your videos using AI

Did you like the last video of Louis that he didn't shoot? You saw this video with your own eyes, Louis was talking and moving, how could he not have done it?

Thanks to his clone! With the Ourama team we built a Louis clone that allows us to shoot videos without even having to turn on the camera. Surprising isn't it? It is possible thanks to new artificial intelligence tools and the crazy thing is that it is within the reach of everyone and that you can only see fire! We're going to show you how we did it.

The creation of the clone

To create a Louis clone, we used the “Heygen” software. Originally this software was famous for translating videos but it has recently been developed offering the possibility of creating a clone of yourself. To do this, the software needs a reference video of about 2 minutes in which one speaks normally. It detects our face and voice and records them.

We only had to import one and one and after a few minutes the Louis clone was created and operational.

The use of the clone

The clone's voice was very similar to Louis' but it was still a bit too robotic. If you too find yourself in this situation there are 2 fairly simple solutions:

  • You can use “ElevenLabs” and create a voice clone. It will be more efficient than Heygen's and you can import it to Heygen in order to combine it with the body clone.
  • You can also record yourself in order to import a voice file. It will be used in the video you are going to create and will therefore be of good quality. And that's what we did!

We started production and in a few minutes our video, which we never shot, was ready!

An alternative

So, if in the future we want to create new videos in this way we will only have to record ourselves and import the audio into Heygen.

Video is a great tool for stand out from the competition or create an emotional connection with prospects. This alternative involving artificial intelligence can make video accessible to those who are not comfortable in front of a camera.