
When should you create a website for your office?

From experience, many lawyers think that a website is essential. As always, the answer needs to be nuanced. Even if:spoiler alert: in reality, 90% of the time, a site will be useful to you.

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When should you create a website for your office?

When should you create a website for your office?

Many lawyers think that a website is essential for their business. However, it depends on objectives and Needs of each lawyer. Indeed, a website may be useless for some lawyers who fill out two conditions : They don't need to acquire new customers and the price they set for their current customer is fine with them.. To go into detail:

The first condition concerns The price. If a lawyer has set a rate that suits him and is satisfied with his current clientele, a website may be useless. To fill this category, you have to take a lot of time for your customers. Make sure they don't look elsewhere and that they will stay. A lawyer can and should focus on working on his network of current clients and word-of-mouth referrals to continue his business.

The second condition concerns the need to acquire new customers. If a lawyer has enough regular customers and does not want to develop his business, a website may also be useless. In this case, the lawyer can focus on the quality of his work and on the satisfaction of his current clients.

Except that unless you are as good a salesperson as you are a good lawyer, that you are always stuck in places where your target audience is and if you only work by recommendation (i.e. 5% of lawyers) then creating a site is worth considering.

“A Google My Business card is enough for me”

Lawyers sometimes just need a Google My Business page to acquire new clients. It is true that many people search for their lawyer directly on Google. They then select the nearest or highest rated lawyer. This strategy can work very well for certain matters where you touch individuals (criminal law, family law) in very localized areas (small towns and regions): the city lawyer. Often generalists, they play on their locality more than on their positioning.

However, this strategy will not be as effective in big cities where a plaque is placed on every street corner. In addition, diverse files involve equally rich searches and therefore longer and more tedious file processing. The ability of general practitioners to provide surgical work is necessarily impaired by the wealth that the law offers.

However, in any case, creating a Google listing can still bring you customers. Enjoy it, it's free. We support lawyers in creating their file in order to optimize it as best as possible!

So I need to create a website for my law firm?

Of course we preach for our parish, but if you belong to the categories mentioned above, we can without fear of being wrong tell you that a website will necessarily be useful to you.

If you have:

  • Difficulty finding customers
  • Want to renew your customer base
  • Do you want to increase your turnover to develop your firm
  • Improving your employer brand
  • Making you credible

So a website is a big plus. When you meet customers you can redirect them to them, when you write articles on LinkedIn, you can redirect them to them, when we recommend what to send, when we visit your Google my business page or social network profile we will know where to click.

And once on your website, if it is well articulated, you will begin to transform your visitors into a prospect, then into a client: 74% of clients visited their lawyer's website before contacting him.

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