
Establishing the reference firm for start-ups, Serge Vatine, co-founder of BOLD

In this episode, Serge Vatine shows us how BOLD was born. Serge was already very present in the start-up world before the creation of BOLD 6 years ago.

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Establishing the reference firm for start-ups, Serge Vatine, co-founder of BOLD

Do you know the Start-Up Starter Pack? A Kymono sweatshirt, Alan mutual insurance, Restau Swile ticket cards and a BOLD subscription. BOLD is the reference firm for start-ups. After having Arnaud Desprez, CMO of the structure who explained to us the methods of acquiring a firm like no other, we meet one of the founders who shares with us the history of the creation of BOLD: Serge Vatine.

Towards an alignment of interests with their customers

In this episode, Serge Vatine tells us how BOLD was born. Serge was already very active in the world of start-ups before the creation of BOLD, 6 years ago. Within his former structure, he supported The Family start-ups by offering them a turnkey package so that they could focus on their main activity. By working alongside entrepreneurs, Serge and his co-founders wanted to create an offer aligned with the interests of their customers and were inspired by a model favored by start-ups: the SaaS model.

A law firm that works like a SaaS

BOLD is a law firm that works like a SaaS. The idea is simple but innovative: BOLD offers a unlimited subscription which supports start-ups throughout their journey, from their creation to post-fundraising, by covering various areas such as Corporate, the Social, the Fiscal, or even the mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Subscribers pay a monthly fee and can contact BOLD using a system of Ticketing. To make this service smooth and efficient, BOLD has set up a dedicated tech team, now composed of 8 people, which has developed a product tailored to meet the needs of entrepreneurs.

A model that generates 7M in AAR

Serge Vatine discusses the attempts to buy BOLD and the growing valuation of the firm. With a turnover of 10 million euros And a AAR (Annual Recurring Revenue) by 7 million euros, BOLD has attracted the attention of several major players in the market, seduced by its innovative model and its rapid growth. However, Serge and his co-founders have always kept in mind the importance of building a firm that does not rely solely on them. They have thus made it a point of honor to develop an autonomous structure, capable of continuing to prosper regardless of the presence of the founders. This strategic vision allowed them to create a solid and sustainable organization, where collective expertise takes precedence over individuals. It is this resilience that makes BOLD particularly attractive, both for its customers and for potential investors.

Towards a holistic approach

For the future, BOLD does not intend to stop there. In order to offer even more comprehensive support to its clients, the firm plans to integrate a accounting expertise center to his services. This new offer will allow start-ups to have a global support, covering both aspects legal and financiers of their development. At the same time, BOLD continues to actively recruit to strengthen its teams, with particular attention paid to Lawyers' well-being. By placing the development of its employees at the heart of its practice, BOLD not only ensures that it attracts top talents, but also to create an environment where everyone can give their best. This approach holistic, combining legal expertise, accounting expertise, and a corporate culture focused on well-being, positions BOLD as an essential partner for fast-growing start-ups.

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