
Do lawyers need to learn to code? With Romain Mirabile, IP-IT lawyer

Discover the experience of Romain Mirabile, an individual IP-IT lawyer, working at the Paris Bar incubator.

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Do lawyers need to learn to code? With Romain Mirabile, IP-IT lawyer

A lawyer must speak the same language as his client: Discover Romain Mirabile on the Cheat Code.

Romain Mirabile: Lawyer and Technophile

In this new episode, we dive into the world of Romain Mirabile, a lawyer like no other.

Having acquired the basics of web development at Le Wagon, where he is now a speaker, Romain was able to combine his skills in law and tech to revolutionize his practice.

His experience in large firms, his LegalTech projects and his curiosity have made him a multi-talented lawyer. His career path makes perfect sense today since he supports e-merchants in their legal issues.

Discover how his thirst for learning and his action-oriented approach led him to create innovative tools to boost his business development! We invite all lawyers interested in technology, innovation and entrepreneurship to listen to his feedback: