
Online Advertising and Lawyers: Guide 2024

The complete guide for lawyers who want to start advertising online in 2024: Google Ads ✅ Facebook Ads ✅ Instagram Ads ✅ LinkedIn Ads ✅

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Online Advertising and Lawyers: Guide 2024

Online advertising for lawyers

Am I allowed to advertise online as a lawyer?

La publicity For the solicitors Is a complex subject, subject to strict ethical rules. For clarify This question, we have parsed in detail the Vademecum. Instead of you impose The reading of 100 pages, we have condensed the essentials into a item concise, responding to all your questions that you will find here: Can a lawyer advertise?

We're spoiling you: the answer is YES! By respecting certain conditions!

In this article, let's take an in-depth look at how to advertise a lawyer online in 2024:

2 ways to advertise a lawyer online

There are two effective methods To make online advertising as a lawyer. The first is to use the paid referencing (SEA). By investing in sponsored ads on search engines like Google, you can quickly raise your visibility and entice potential clients who are looking for specific legal services. The second method consists in exploiting social networks. By creating content incurring and informative on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, you can establish one online presence solid and interact directly with your audience, thus strengthening your repute and Loyalty your customers.

Advertising on SEA search engines

Schéma des contenus sponsorisées Google

Google Ads is the main tool for creating campaigns SEA and buy keywords. Although Bing Ads and Yahoo! Gemini are alternatives, we will focus on Google Ads because it is the most used platform. Here are a few recommendations before you get started:

Online advertising: the budget

The operation of Google Ads relies on the cost per click (CPC). You only pay when someone clicks on your ad sponsored, which is beneficial because you only pay for real visitors. However, costs can quickly escalate, so it's essential to define your budget and to fix a ceiling upon Google Ads to avoid unpleasant surprises. Each keyword has a cost determined by a system ofauction. The keywords highly sought after and with a strong requisition Will be more onerous.

The objectives of your advertising for your law firm

What is the aim of your campaign? Increase the number of visitors on your site? Get more rendezvous ? Collect Contacts ? It is important to quantifying your goals in order to be able to adjust your strategy. The definition of your objectives will directly influence the implementation of your campaign.

Targeting the right audience and choosing the right keywords

The selection of keywords is based on several criteria. Use tools like Ubersuggest, SEMrush or AhRef to identify the keywords the most relevant:

  • Your audience: What are the searches carried out by your target customers ? Adapt to their vocabulary. Avoid legal terms that are too complex. Use keywords that match your goals. If you want to get more rendezvous, choose keywords that generate high conversions.
  • Search volume: One keyword with a low search volume is of little use. Opt for keywords with a significant search volume.
  • The difficulty of the keywords: Some keywords Have a high difficulty. Competition is strong, making positioning more expensive.
  • Your budget: Make a list of keywords according to your budget. You can choose between expensive keywords with high volume or multiple cheaper keywords with lower volumes.

Evaluate the results

Contrary to SEO Who takes time to show scores, the SEA offers results Immediate. Monitor the performance of your keywords and adjust your strategy accordingly. If a keyword doesn't work, remove it to avoid unnecessary expenses. If a keyword is performing well, increase your investment in it.

Tip: Don't bid on your own name - Avoid bidding on your own noun ! Customers looking for your name will easily find you without you having to pay for it.

Create custom pages for your ads

The SEA Generates trafficking on your site and increases your visibility, but it's not enough for convert your prospects. It doesn't matter how much you spend, if your site is not optimized or inviting, you risk losing all the interest in the campaign and the money unnecessarily.

Les Landing pages specific ones are highly effective. They do not serve as a general window, but present a specific offer and adapted to target audience through your ads. Imagine the frustration of a prospect clicking on an ad promising a free consultation, only to find themselves on a generic landing page. Where is the offer? Lost and disappointed, he leaves quickly.

Increase Conversion Chances

One Landing page well-designed guides the prospect directly to what they are looking for, thus increasing chances of conversion. Each offering And each countryside should have its own landing page. Why? Because every prospect has needs And expectations different. A dedicated page allows you to personalize the message, to clarify the offer and to simplify the conversion process. This is your space to answer precisely the questions of your prospects, to reassure them about the worthiness of what you offer and encourage them to take action.

To build pages that are optimized for conversion, go here: CRO & Lawyers

Optimize and Test

Test different Landing pages for the same offer allows you to optimize your results. Vary the elements of design, the Calls to action, the titles, and analyze the performances. Which page generates the most conversions? What message resonates best with your audience? This process helps you fine-tune your strategies to maximize the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Advertising for lawyers on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn

Meta (ex-Facebook) is one of the most powerful advertising platforms on the market. It allows businesses to reach Billions of users around the world thanks to tools from precise targeting. Current trends show a strong preference for video formats, in particular the vertical videos And the Stories. These formats, optimized for mobile consumption, capture the attention of users and generate higher engagement rates.

Content creation - visuals or videos 🎥

Les creations play an important role in the success of your campaigns Meta Ads. It is imperative to create multiple versions of your commercials, to test them to determine what works best, and then to improve and iterate based on the results obtained.

What works best for lawyers

Meta (Facebook and Instagram) Today, favor the vertical format. For our customers, videos presenting services by telling stories work particularly well. For those who don't dare to go behind the camera, we also make qualitative motion design videos. These formats captivate the audience and generate better engagement rates.

For what type of lawyer?

Lawyers who address a target of individuals Or of young businesses particularly benefit from campaigns Meta Ads. Here are some examples of supported customers:

  • Real estate lawyers for individuals
  • Criminal attorneys
  • Family law attorneys

What you need to remember is that the more your target is niche, the more difficult it will be to reach it with Meta Ads because, unlike Google Ads, you cannot position yourself on extremely specific keywords. The best way to find out if this would work for you is to test with a limited budget.

How to target a qualified audience

Special audience

You can choose to target a specific audience based on interests, the localization, theage, etc. This makes it possible to personalize your messages and to reach precisely the people who are most likely to benefit from your services.

Similar audience

If you already have a qualified audience, use Meta to touch a similar audience. This strategy allows you to broaden your reach while remaining relevant to new prospects.

Measure and Optimize 📈

As with any advertising campaign, it is essential to measure the results of your Meta Ads ads. Use analytics tools to track the performance of each ad and adjust your strategies accordingly. For example:

  • Click-through rate (CTR) : Number of clicks/ad views
  • Conversion rate : Number of conversions/clicks on the ad
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA) : Cost of acquiring a customer/amount spent on advertising

These Metrics will help you understand what is working and what needs to be adjusted.

Redirect to an optimized site 🌐

Of Meta Ads ads effective ones are a great first step, but it's just as important to refer your prospects to a quality website Or custom landing pages. The user experience on your site largely determines conversion. Of specific landing pages, designed to respond directly to the expectations and needs of your audience, considerably increase your chances of converting visitors into customers.

Use LinkedIn Ads for Lawyers

LinkedIn Ads is another platform, particularly effective for targeting professionals And undertakings. For lawyers, LinkedIn allows you to:

Benefits of LinkedIn Ads

  • Targeting decision makers : You can reach professionals based on their position, business, and industry.
  • B2B advertising : Ideal for lawyers who speak to specific businesses or professionals.
  • Various formats : Use advertising formats such as Sponsored Content, the Message Ads And the Text Ads.

LinkedIn Targeting Strategies

  • Demographic targeting : Select your audience by workstation, sector, business size, etc.
  • Similar audience : Like Meta, you can create similar audiences based on your existing contacts.
  • Engaging content : Share professional articles, case studies, and videos to get the attention of your target audience.

By integrating LinkedIn Ads in your advertising strategy, you can reach a professional audience accurately and effectively, thus complementing your efforts on Meta Ads.

A video about advertising

To go further, here is a video on the subject: