
Organize a webinar as a lawyer

To develop your customer base and increase the number of opportunities, you must implement marketing actions. How webinars can help you do this:

Organize a webinar as a lawyer

Webinars: Create interaction with your prospects & customers

Beyond its interactive aspect, the webinar is a good opportunity to attract new prospects, collect their contact data and initiate a lasting commercial relationship. Like what we were talking about two weeks ago, it's an excellent Lead Magnet!

Talk directly to your target

The webinar offers you the opportunity to speak directly to your target audience by addressing topics that specifically affect them. For example, you could organize a webinar on the theme “Legal rights and procedures for managers wishing to resign” in order to provide them with free and qualitative answers. The objective is to support them in their approach and, ultimately, to encourage them to contact your office for personalized support.

Considerable reach for your law firm

The COVID-19 period has democratized the webinar. Even if many are surfing the wave, it is still a very effective way to reach a large audience without geographical constraints. It has a considerable impact, often greater than that of a classic video or article. The participants offer you their present time, it is invaluable.

Reach new areas with a webinar

Take advantage of these communication methods to organize webinars with people in your sector (lawyers, influential people in a market...). You will thus give him credibility thanks to your status as a lawyer and you will gain visibility in new spheres. This will facilitate the halo effect around your online event and you will have less trouble filling out the event. The important thing is then to agree with the person who is organizing the webinar with you so that everyone makes equivalent communication efforts.

Concretely, how do you organize a profitable webinar?

The methods used to organize a webinar are very similar to those used for a physical event. In order to set up a successful webinar, you first need a tool that can capture the email addresses of interested participants. Tally lends itself perfectly to this use. Afterwards, you will need a platform to host your webinar; as such, zoom, Livestorm or Google Meet are great options.

Once you have these tools in hand, it is imperative to disseminate information about your webinar on all of your available communication channels in order to obtain a satisfactory number of registrations. To maximize your reach, I strongly encourage you to call on colleagues or other actors in your industry to participate in your webinar. If the idea of establishing a partnership appeals to you, do not hesitate to suggest that I organize a webinar in collaboration.

However, your work does not end there. Once the webinar is over, the crucial step is getting back in touch with the participants. Send them a series of emails related to the topic you covered during the webinar and offer them a more personal exchange, whether over coffee or during a phone call. As you will have understood from reading me, each marketing action inevitably leads to a sales process. (In fact, it is very likely that the next issue will deal with this subject.)

Calculate the profitability of your shares

Once this webinar is complete, calculate the time spent! If you were efficient the costs should be lower, let's say 1 day of work (building the Tally, broadcasting, preparing the webinar...). If a participant signs at the end, it's won.

An example of a webinar here:

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