
Legal Design is not a selling point

Legal design is not going to bring you customers, it will make you keep them!

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Legal Design is not a selling point

The concept of customer loyalty is frequently mentioned, and with good reason. However, it can seem difficult to imagine connecting with your customers and checking in on them for no good reason. And yet some people are great at it, while others can sometimes lack subtlety.

So let's explore a simple method to retain your customers thanks to a concrete tool: the Legal Design. In other words, find out how make your work accessible and understandable for your customers in order to retain them.

Delivering more than expected

Legal design should not be your number one selling point. It's rarely what your customers expect in the first place, that's why we talk aboutcustomer loyalty tool.

It thus allows, when carrying out a service, to deliver more than expected. And it is important to be aware of this aspect. When providing a service, the important thing is not to best answer a question asked, but to meet the level of customer expectations. Once your customer's expectations are well defined, you should plan to deliver a little more.

This is why you should not oversell your services during your commercial exchanges and here, do not mention your legal design service. This should happen after signing your contract with your customer.

It's the “Wow” effect from your customer that you're looking for:”Here is the service X that you requested from me, I have added a bonus diagram to understand the essential points of these actions

Legal Design should not be your selling point. In reality, it's not usually the item at the top of the list that your customers are looking for. That is precisely why we consider it to be a customer loyalty tool.

It makes it possible to go beyond expectations when carrying out a service, thus adding unexpected value. It is essential to be aware of this aspect. When providing a service, the objective is not limited to providing the best answer to a question asked, but rather to Exceed customer expectations. Once you have precisely defined the expectations of your customer, the next step is to go beyond these expectations.

This is why it is important not to overestimate your benefits during your commercial exchanges. It's best not to mention your Legal Design department at this point. Rather, this mention should occur after signing the contract with your customer.

The desired effect is that of “Wow” on the part of your customer: “VHere is the X service you requested. In addition, I have included a bonus diagram that will allow you to better understand the essential points of these actions.

To go further, here is one of our videos on the subject:

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