
Email signature as a communication tool

Your email signature is a means of acquisition, of improving your reputation and your credibility, find out why...

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Email signature as a communication tool

Strengthen your image

In addition to guaranteeing the integrity of exchanges, the email signature also makes it possible to authenticate the sender of the email. Focus on a more human approach that reassures email recipients.

A beautiful email signature allows the recipient to get a positive impression of you. Highlighting your credibility. We do not condemn the textual email signature, but a beautiful signature design allows you to highlight your professionalism and the seriousness of the firm. This contributes to building your brand's authority, just like a business card. It would not occur to you to share your contact details and your logo on a piece of torn paper or a tissue, the same goes for sending an email.

For your firm, it is important to standardize your signatures. The standardization of your signatures once again highlights the professionalism of the firm. This prevents your employees left to themselves, create their own signatures and set up signatures that can indirectly damage the image of the firm. In addition, a beautiful email signature with the photo of your employees allows you to involve them in communication. A strong brand authority and your employees will be proud representatives of the firm.

Gain visibility

Again thanks to the standardization of signatures, all your partners and collaborators participate in sharing your site, your logo, the name of the firm through the email signature.

Because yes, email signatures are also a tool for generating traffic on your platforms. Indeed, a careful signature, with the integration of links that refer to your website or to your social networks, increases your visibility.

Far too often underestimated, your email signature also acts as the last impression when reading an email. This impression can be decisive, in the retention of your name, or a situation with a hesitant person. When we receive an email, we are often lazy and do not want to go any further. Clickable links encourage recipients to visit the site. And if the site follows in terms of quality, increase your chances of landing a date.

Tools to create your email signature

  • Canva : The inevitable, models as a starting point. With the “design eye”, you can improve or worsen them otherwise...
  • Word : You will be quite limited in terms of design, but if you are looking for a classic email signature, it is relatively easy to find tutorials and do it yourself.
  • Figma : For the most customizable signatures, but more complex to handle than Canva.
  • Letsignit : Specialized software, where you pay a subscription and which accompanies you in creating your email signatures and where, beware, you do not own your signatures.

Attention the size of an email signature should be reduced as much as possible! Ideally, do not exceed 50kb. At the risk of ending up in everyone's spam.