
Finding prospects through my law firm's website

Discover how to turn your visitors into qualified prospects by offering real added value and then engaging these prospects in an ethical and professional manner.

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Finding prospects through my law firm's website

For a law firm, the website is no longer just an online business card, it can be transformed into a powerful acquisition channel. Before diving into lead generation techniques, it's vital to understand what a lead is. A lead is a person who shows interest in the services you offer through the information they share.

However, there is a challenge: to obtain this valuable information. The mistake that many make is relying exclusively on contact forms or appointment forms. While these elements are crucial, for some prospects, they may be perceived as too big of a commitment.

Why opt for alternatives to the traditional contact form?

A simple contact form is no longer enough. Knowledgeable consumers want value before making a commitment. And that's exactly what lead magnets offer. Offering something unique and valuable can not only set your firm apart but also build a relationship of trust with prospects.

Lead magnets: what are they and how do they work?

Lead magnets can be seen as “gifts” that you give to visitors. In exchange, they provide you with their contact information.

example : Imagine a lawyer specializing in intellectual property. It could create a detailed guide on “How to effectively protect your invention?” An entrepreneur in the process of creating an innovative product would find this content relevant and would probably be ready to exchange his email to get this guide.

The types of lead magnets are vast:

  1. White papers : These detailed documents offer in-depth information on a specific topic. They are ideal for establishing your expertise.
  2. Case studies : Show how you helped a customer in a similar situation. It is a concrete proof of your competence.
  3. Platelets : Short documents that explain a service or a legal concept.
  4. Webinars or video tutorials : Visual content is very engaging and can be a great way to demonstrate your expertise.

Here is a video on how to build a white paper for your law firm from start to finish:

How to effectively distribute your lead magnets to attract prospects?

Creating a lead magnet is only half the battle. It must then be promoted.

Integration on your site

Your website should be the main distribution channel. This can be achieved in a variety of ways:

  • Download button : On the home page, in the sidebar or even as the main element of the landing page.
  • Pop-ups : While they can be intrusive at times, if done well and offer real value, they can have surprisingly high conversion rates.

Email signature

Each email sent is an opportunity. A simple line at the end of your email can lead people to your lead magnet. Make sure it's relevant and non-aggressive.

Use of social networks

Social networks are powerful promotional tools. Make sure to promote your lead magnets regularly. Vary the messages, use eye-catching visuals, and target your audience correctly.

Transform your leads into customers while respecting ethics

Acquiring leads is just the beginning. You then have to feed them and turn them into customers.

The telephone approach

You do not have the right to approach your prospects by telephone, however, once they've come to you by downloading content, you can contact them to find out what they thought of the guide and get their feedback. Get ready, research the lead, and listen to that feedback. You can then send them a personalized request. by email to convert them into prospects.

Email sequences

A well-designed email can do wonders. Educate your leads, keep them up to date with the latest legal news, and show how you can help them. Here is an example of personalized requests that respect the code of ethics:

“Mr. Renard, thank you for downloading our guide. Are you experiencing X difficulty? I offer my services in order to provide you with assistance. The services will be invoiced on the basis of a fixed price according to your needs and the complexity of the case. This intervention will be subject to the prior signing of a fee agreement. Are we talking about it together? ”

Automation: the key to managing your leads effectively

In a fast-paced world, automation is not a luxury, it's a necessity. In one hour of time, you will save hours of work.

Online form tools

Tally is a great choice, but there are other tools like Typeform (10 responses max per month for the free version) or Google Forms. The main thing is that they are easy to use and easy to integrate. Here, with Tally you can receive as many emails as you want, you have no limits.

Automation tools

Make and Zapier can make lead management almost entirely automated. From collecting information to integrating with your CRM, these tools can save you valuable time.

To set up all this, we have planned a short video on the subject here:

In conclusion

Law firms have the opportunity to multiply the number of opportunities in a few weeks:

Create a white paper: 1 day

Prepare the automation and insert the guide on your website: 1/2 day

Broadcast: 30 minutes for 30 days (broadcast on your social networks, by email etc.).

By providing value, promoting effectively, and managing leads efficiently, success is within reach.

Webinar: Generate 100 leads per month through your law firm's website

We are organizing a webinar on the subject on Thursday November 2nd! The number of seats is limited to 30 lawyers to facilitate interactions. An opportunity to learn more and ask questions. To register, click below: