
FAQ and website

Regulated professions such as lawyers, accountants, asset managers and notaries know that trust and information are essential for their clients. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) play an interesting role in terms of natural referencing (SEO) and engagement with prospects.

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FAQ and website

Regulated professions such as solicitor, Chartered Accountant, wealth management advisor and notary know that trust and information are essential for their customers. Les FAQS (FAQ) play an interesting role in natural referencing (SEO) and engagement with prospects.

FAQs: why answer questions from your prospects?

Answering the main questions

Les FAQS allow you to answer the questions frequently asked by your prospects. For example:

  • For a lawyer : “What are the deadlines for filing an appeal?”
  • For a chartered accountant : “How do you charge for annual support?”
  • For a wealth management advisor : “What are the best investment strategies in 2024?”
  • For a notary : “What documents should you prepare for a succession?”

By answering these questions, you demonstrate your expertise or reassure your future customers.

Avoid the isolated and ineffective FAQ page

A standalone FAQ page is often not frequently consulted and does not provide real added value. By integrating FAQs directly into your blog posts, you provide details without burdening the main content. This makes the information more accessible and useful for your visitors.

FAQs: an asset for natural referencing (SEO)

Enrich your content with relevant keywords

Integrating FAQs allows you to add keyword-rich content that your potential customers use during their research. It improves your visibility on search engines and increases your chances of appearing in the results for specific queries.

It's extra miles, which allows you to go further than your competitors by answering additional questions that your reader asks.

Increase the time spent on your site

By providing accurate answers to your visitors' questions, you encourage them to Stay longer on your site. Higher visit times are a positive signal for search engines, which can improve your rankings.

Opportunity for Google “Featured Snippets”

Well-structured FAQs can be used by Google for enriched snippets, which increases your visibility and your Click-through rate. This makes it possible to position your site as a reliable source of information.

Featured Snippets on “Best Investments 2024"

Don't use FAQs to fill in the gaps

Important messages should be in the main content

FAQs should not be used to hide essential information. Key messages should be clearly presented in the body of your pages. FAQs are intended to provide clarification, not to replace the main content.

Give details, not fill in the gaps

Use the FAQ for provide additional details on related topics. If a topic is important enough, it deserves its own dedicated section or page on your site.

Break the FAQs into sections of the site if necessary

If some questions are too complex to be answered in a simple FAQ, consider develop into dedicated sections. It improves the navigation And theuser experience, by making it easy for visitors to find the information they are looking for.

Use the tool Perplexity to enrich your FAQ

What is Perplexity?

Perplexity is an artificial intelligence that helps find side questions relevant to a specific topic. You ask him a question, he will generate an answer by integrating sources he found on the Internet (useful for generating qualitative and technical content) and will offer you interesting additional questions to integrate into the FAQ (and also answer them).

Ancillary answers proposed by Perplexity on: Reducing fiscal pressure thanks to the couple

By using Perplexity, you can create FAQs that are more relevant and better suited to the needs of your potential customers.

Best practices for effective FAQs

Answering the main questions of prospects

Make sure your FAQ address directly the major concerns of your customers. This reinforces the trust And theinvolvement towards your profession.

Don't use FAQs to fill in the gaps

Avoid withholding crucial information in the FAQ. The main content of your pages should be complete and sufficient without requiring constant references to the FAQ.

Format for optimal reading

  • Use clear titles for each question.
  • Put some greasy important keywords.
  • Structure your answers for Easy to read.

Good formatting makes it easier to understand and improves the user experience.