
Developing its lawyer clientele thanks to its website - The method

Your website is an investment. It is the cornerstone of your acquisition strategy and must be omnipresent in your client development as a lawyer.

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Developing its lawyer clientele thanks to its website - The method

This article may seem trivial and yet it will allow you to understand in depth what your website is for and why it must be articulated and disseminated as much as possible to your potential customers.

Understand that your website is a sales page

Why do you want a website in the first place? To give yourself credibility? Or, you exist on the web, like 60% of individual lawyers or partners. This argument will not be enough to convince one person to contact you over another. This is why we come to the second interest of a website: You can take advantage of having visitors to deliver your sales pitch.

The mistake that is so often made: talking only about yourself

Avocading is an activity where The Intuitu Personae bounty. As a result, lawyers tend to talk about themselves. Websites are then transformed into online resumes and we imagine that this makes it possible to convert a customer. But the latter what he is looking for are answers. These are answers to the problems he encounters: How can I not get fired and end up penniless? How can I defend myself against this charge? How do I save my business?

And that's what your websites should say: I solve these problems and with me, everything will be fine. That's all your customer wants to hear.

How is a sales page organized?

A sales page is a sales pitch. The word “sale” is often perceived in a pejorative way, but it is simply a question of presenting your proposed solution to a problem. At the end of the day, it's what you do all day long.

We talk about it in our guide to websites. A page structured as a sales page is simply a page that presents a logical sales pitch and answers a prospect's questions. Take the example of a lawyer specializing in employment law who is considering creating a page dedicated to dismissals. Here's how we can structure it to inspire you:

  • Value proposition section : We help you to win against your employer and to obtain significant compensation in the event of dismissal. We also offer an appointment button to get started.
  • Explanation of services and methods section : To achieve this, we organize an initial meeting to gather all the information necessary for your defense. Then, we schedule a second appointment to prepare your strategy. We contact your employer and conduct all the necessary negotiations. If you wish, we can even represent you before the labor court.

  • Reinsurance Section : With us, a dismissal takes on average 2 months. We provide quotes within 24 hours and our remuneration is based on the results. We only win if you also win. 100% of our customers are satisfied, and we have supported 150 managers.

  • Price proposal : Our rates are flexible, ranging from flat rate billing to pricing based on time spent. Here, we offer three alternatives: a basic package, a comprehensive package, and a premium package. The aim is to attract customers with the basic offer and to encourage them to opt for our most comprehensive offer.

  • Book an appointment directly : We offer discovery calls and 15-30 minute appointments directly at the bottom of the page. The aim is to simplify the sales process.

  • Related content : If you have related content, feel free to share it at the bottom of the page. This content can encourage visitors to make an appointment, for example: “10 signs that your employer is considering firing you” and “Valid and invalid evidence in case of dismissal.”

Once you've written your first sales page, duplicate it for each of your departments. This will facilitate communication with your prospects by offering them pages dedicated to their specific issues, instead of a general list of all the services you offer.

Broadcast your firm's website everywhere.

Once these pages are ready, they will not naturally be promoted by Google. They need to be broadcast. And the more you broadcast them, the higher they will be in navigators' research proposals.

Broadcast on your static digital channels

The first step is to distribute your sales page on static digital sites, that is to say, places where you will no longer need to return once the links are broadcast. For example:

  • Your profiles on social networks
  • Your Google My Business
  • Directories
  • Your email signature
  • Banner ads

Broadcast your law firm's site on your communications

Then, in your daily routine, make sure to promote your website in all the communications you make:

  • Articles on your website
  • Articles on LinkedIn
  • Publications on your social networks
  • In your reminder emails
  • In your comments on relevant publications...

It is a reflex to have, a habit to develop: all your communications should lead to your website, or even better, to the landing page adapted to the person you are addressing.

Take the example of the talented Nicholas Beaulieu, who, with each comment, with each interaction, talks about his book. So yes, this method may seem aggressive, but if it is done well, you multiply your chances of being contacted!

👉 Buy your book: Lawyers Adrift

Once all of this is done, I don't have an appointment booked! What to do?

Analyzing your results: Google Analytics

You have spread your website everywhere, but no one is making an appointment! Thousands of factors come into play, but you need to know where the problem is coming from: Is your offer too expensive? Is your site not clear? Is navigation complicated? Is no one visiting your website?

Once your site is online, I strongly invite you to set up a Google Analytics 4 attribute! It will allow you to know how many people are browsing your website, what type of person they are, and what pages they are viewing! It's okay if you don't have it installed yet, unless you want to advertise, but as soon as possible, add it. We are transparent at Ourama, here is a report from Google on our site for one week:

You can thus see the pages visited, the acquisition channels...

You will know how many visitors consult your pages on social law, civil law, commercial law, or any other field of specialization. This will allow you to better understand the interests of your audience and to adjust your content accordingly.

In addition, thanks to Google Analytics, you will be able to track the behavior of your visitors, such as which pages they visit most frequently, how long they spend on your site, and whether or not they are achieving the goals you have set (for example, making an appointment online). You'll also be able to get basic demographics about your audience, which will help you tailor your marketing.

Therefore, if person Do you need to visit your site improve your distribution methods. Si Of the world If you visit your website, the problem is elsewhere: You need to find out where the problem comes from.

Understand how your visitors navigate: Hotjar

If a lot of people visit your website, then you need to understand the origin of the problem. To do this, you can use a tool like Hotjar. It offers a range of expertise, here is how it can be used to identify potential problems:

  • User session recording : Hotjar allows user sessions to be recorded, which means that it captures the user's screen while browsing your site. This allows you to see exactly what visitors are doing, where they are clicking, their mouse movements, and even how they are filling out forms. By reviewing these records, you can identify areas of confusion or frustration for visitors.
  • Heat maps : Hotjar generates heat maps that show the areas of your site where visitors click most often. You can see “click heat maps” that show where visitors clicked, as well as “scroll heat maps” that show how far visitors scroll through your pages. This can reveal which items catch visitors' attention and which are ignored.
  • Polls and surveys : Hotjar offers integrated polling and survey functionalities. You can ask questions directly to visitors to get feedback on their experience. For example, you could ask, “What prevented you from making an appointment with our law firm?” This direct feedback can reveal specific issues.
  • Conversion funnel analysis : You can use Hotjar to track the path of visitors through your site, from arrival to conversion (such as signing up for a newsletter or buying a product). This allows you to identify the stages where visitors drop out of the process, which may indicate design or usability issues.

With respect to privacy and GDPR compliance concerns, Hotjar takes the protection of personal data seriously. The tool automatically hides items that could reveal personal information, such as login credentials or credit card details. Additionally, session recordings can be set to be anonymous, and sensitive data is automatically blurred.

It is important to note that when using tools like Hotjar, you must comply with current data protection regulations, such as the GDPR in Europe, and inform your visitors about the use of these tools in your privacy policy. You should also ensure that you treat collected data in a responsible and secure manner. Here is a short text that you can integrate and customize for your privacy policy: HOTJAR Text.

What if my site is not the problem?

Congratulations already! If your visitors navigate from end to end and find themselves not contacting you after seeing your offers: Edit them. If your prices are scary, don't post them or offer alternatives (for example, the result). Offer quotes within 24 hours or offer a first appointment. Once engaged and after a meeting, your customers will have less trouble accepting your quote. Work on your contact forms to make it easier to make appointments and when appointments start to increase in number, You are on the right track!