
Stand out thanks to your website

This article by Ourama highlights the impact of design on customer loss, digital innovation, brand image and conversion rates. Transform your online presence today.

Create a modern site
Stand out thanks to your website

Web Design for Law Firms in 2023: An Essential Asset to Stand Out

We are in the middle of a war for attention. The first impression is often the only chance to captivate a potential customer, the design of a website for a law firm is not only a question of aesthetics, It is a strategic necessity. Here's why.

Dry Loss and Loss of Gain: The Price of Bad Design

A poorly designed website is synonymous with a loss for a law firm. A potential customer who visits your website for the first time and comes up against an outdated, unintuitive, or unengaging design is a customer who is often lost. It's a missed opportunity to create a connection, build trust, and ultimately convert a visitor into a customer.

Welcome to 2024

We are living in a time where you can put on a helmet and enter fairy worlds from your living room. In this context, having a website that reflects innovation and modernity is not only desirable, it is the basis. A website design that incorporates the latest trends, is responsive and offers a fluid user experience, positions your firm as an avant-garde entity, in step with the times. The opposite scares away...

Employer Brand: Attracting and Retaining Talent

The design of your website also has a significant impact on your employer brand. An attractive and professional site reinforces your brand image and demonstrates that you are a modern and progressive firm. This not only attracts customers, but also top-level talent who want to work in a dynamic and contemporary environment.

The Wow Effect: Design as a vector of conversion

A website with a “wow effect” doesn't just attract attention; it engages and converts. A design that combines aesthetics and functionality, that tells a story and that clearly presents your services, can turn a simple visitor into a loyal customer. Visual impact, combined with intuitive navigation and clear calls to action, can dramatically increase your conversion rates.