
Create a newsletter for your law firm

Many firms use the newsletter to inform their clients and people interested in their news. But is it done effectively?

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Create a newsletter for your law firm

Many firms use the newsletter To inform their customers and people interested in their news. Often sent arbitrarily, sometimes without the consent of the recipients and offering very few values, this mode of communication seems to be a simple check box.

That's why Very few newsletters actually work and that enrollment rates are often in line with unenrollment rates.

So let's analyze an example of success.

Do you know the story of Artips?

Artips is a newsletter about art launched by Coline Debayle, a student at HEC, and Jean Perret, web developer in 2013.

The concept is simple: Registrants will receive 3 times per week an email with a short and original explanation of a famous or little-known work of art.

You will have understood that I was well inspired.

Sent to 1000 people in 2013, they will send, 2 years later, the same information to more than 100,000 people.

3 reasons for their success:

👉 Artips knew adapt to the consumption mode of your channel: email. They knew how to be concise with each message: an image, an anecdote. That's all.

👉 The recipe has never changed: They don't talk about themselves, they simply share stories with interested people.

👉 They are of a flawless consistency

Coupled with word of mouth, the fear of missing an email, the desire to shine in society with artistic anecdotes, Today 400,000 people learn thanks to Artips.

To do the same:

You can send your newsletter to subscribers The news not to be missed on their market, of concise and synthesized specialized legal intelligence, legal answers to frequently asked questions, of case studies...

The objective is not to have as many subscribers as Artips, but to be read and recognized by your readers, so that we can think of you the day we need your services.

Finally, don't forget that it's an email, keep it simple, concise and only share useful information.

Tools you can use for your newsletter:

A newsletter can work very well with Excel and the response to emails. You collect the confirmations and register these people in an Excel file and then carry out a mailing each time they are sent. But it's 2023 and there are tons of free tools out there to make that implementation easier.

Email collection for your law firm's newsletter

To collect emails, we invite you to create an online questionnaire with the information you need: the email. If you want to personalize emails, you can ask for additional information (name, surname, function...) but here, to facilitate the registration process and avoid registration losses, ask as few questions as possible (read our article on contact forms).

In terms of tools, several choices are available to you. Either you include it directly in your website or you use questionnaire tools to collect information from registrants, such as Tally, Google form or Typeform.

Send these emails in a few clicks

For sending emails, take a look at Brevo (ex-sendinblue) or lemlist. These tools allow you to create personalized email campaigns and track email openings, link clicks and recipient engagement in detail. This helps to assess the effectiveness of campaigns and to make adjustments if necessary.

Here are some optimization rules for your shipments:

  • Email open rates of 15% and 25% are considered satisfactory! However, thanks to the previous lessons, we manage to achieve a average opening rate of 65% on our side ! This result is due, on the one hand, to the relative youth of our newsletter, but also to the strong interest of our readers. This is a number to watch closely.
  • The catchphrase of your email lies in its subject: keep it simple! Use a maximum of 5 words to arouse the desire to read in your recipients. If you are hesitating between two objects, perform A/B testing by offering two variants to your e-mailing tool. He will select the most efficient object. In this way, you will gradually learn what works best and what doesn't.

Automate the implementation of your emails in your mailing tool and the sending of the registration confirmation

To avoid adding new contacts collected on your forms to your mailing tool every week or to automate the sending of a confirmation email each time you register, you can use a tool like Make or Zapier.

These tools allow you to create scenarios for automate your contact imports into your newsletter list. For you to better understand, below is the automation we have implemented for Ourama.

Newsletter automation with Make

Concretely, Make will analyze the response to the Tally questionnaire and then automatically send a registration confirmation email via gmail. Then, he will create a new contact in the “Newsletter on Brevo” list and, as a bonus, will add this person to our CRM that we use: Pipedrive !

These steps take time, but today they are automated, allowing us to focus fully on our work.

Create my law firm newsletter!

You have no more excuses! Here are two complete videos on how to do it yourself! Below l

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