
How do you create a podcast as a lawyer?

How do you create a podcast as a lawyer? What format should you choose? How long? What hardware?

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How do you create a podcast as a lawyer?

Creating a podcast as a lawyer allows you toincrease its reputation and position itself. It's an opportunity to educate the public on legal topics, attract new customers, and stand out from the competition. The podcast format also offers opportunities for professional development and network development, While engaging and retaining the audience.

However, where do you start? How do you create a podcast as a lawyer?

How long should my podcast be? :

You should choose the length of your podcasts based on your goals. With a short podcast you will surely reach a lot more people only if it lasted 3 hours. People will be less likely to click when they see that a podcast is 3 hours long.

However, you are certain that The person who listened to Les 3 Hours is really interested through your content.

Thus, in order to raise awareness, the short format will be more suitable. However, the long format will be more engaging. There is obviously a happy medium to be found between these 2 formats and you will find it by thinking about the very purpose of your podcast and your goals.

  • Short podcast (5-25min): Ideal for Quick info capsules, it attracts a large audience who can listen in between activities. Perfect for the notoriety.
  • Medium podcast (25min-1h): Interview guests, tell stories, develop topics with a certain depth without losing the audience's attention.
  • Long podcast (1h-3h): Engage more those who are really interested in the subject. It's perfect for detailed analyses And the in-depth interviews.

What format should I choose for my podcast? :

Regarding the type of format to choose, several possibilities are available to you.

The educational format:

A lot of podcasts only involveOne person. These aim to educate,provide information to listeners and they are fairly easy to set up.

Benefits : Simple to set up, ideal for establishing authority on topics around a main theme, perfect for regular and short content.

For example The contents by Estelle By.

The 1:1 format:

Here you have the opportunity to interview key players in the sector. In addition to educational benefits, it allows you to develop your network and create an audience around your podcasts.

Benefits : Enriches content through varied perspectives, allows you to develop your network and create a loyal audience.

For example our podcast series Cheat Code.

The group format:

It is an operation that can bring more discussion, for example: a debate. But it's also more entertaining than just one person talking because it brings a lot of dynamism and interactions.

Benefits : Ultra engaging, perfect for complex topics that require multiple perspectives.

For example : A good time with Kyan Kojandi.

Thankfully, each format is not limited to a specific type of content. It's often the most original podcasts that work best. Daring to surprise the listener by taking unexpected directions can be a winning bet.

Do I have to film it? :

Yes and no. If the compulsion to film is too great for you or if you are not at all comfortable in front of a camera, it is not essential. The key element of a successful podcast, beyond the content, is still the audio. Great sound is essential! But if you don't have any constraints, if you produce podcasts, why not film them and also draw video content that you can share on your networks ? You might as well kill two birds with one stone if you have the chance. Take advantage of it for Decline your podcasts In shorts for example. This format will allow you to humanize your podcasts and put yourself forward. Thus, your content will reach podcast lovers but also those who are less interested.

Choose a theme for my podcast

Choosing a topic is always the most complicated step before starting, for fear of regretting it later and being stuck or simply exhausting the topics quickly. To put it simply, How to position yourself without restricting you. The theme will not only guide the content of your episodes, but also attract the audience that you want.

Define the purpose of the podcast

First of all, clarify The purpose of your podcast. Do you want to increase your reputation, attract new customers, educate the public on specific legal topics, or strengthen your position as an expert in a particular field? Your main objective will directly influence the choice of your theme:

  • Increase brand awareness : Choose a topic of general interest that affects a large audience.
  • Attracting new customers : Opt for topics that meet the specific needs of your target customers.
  • Educating the public : Select complex themes that you can simplify for your audience

Identify the target

Know your target audience is essential. Who are the people you want to reach with your podcast? Individuals, entrepreneurs, businesses, student lawyers, colleagues? Ask your target audience directly what podcasts they would like to listen to or the questions and issues that come up frequently.

It's not always easy to come up with an innovative podcast idea. In that case, there's no need to reinvent the wheel. If you have an idea for a podcast but someone already offers this type of theme... forget it... NO! Stand out in other ways, in the way you offer the content or in the format.

Technical aspects to take into account:

Don't worry, creating podcasts is pretty easy. There are free tools and platforms at your disposal:

Editing software:

  • Acast : A platform gratis to host your podcasts. You can then broadcast them on the platforms you know: Spotify, Deezer, Apple,...
  • Audacity : For audio editing, gratuitous

Bring good equipment if you can. For example, here are the brands we use:

  • Microphone : Neewer
  • Recorder : Zoom

With this article you have everything you need to start your podcasts. It's your turn!