
Céline Granier, perpetuating her business through digital marketing (SEO/Youtube)

Céline Granier is a tax lawyer in Paris. Methodical and rigorous, she develops her activity with exemplary precision. I wanted to organize a podcast with Céline to show how to intelligently and strategically develop an individual activity by setting up a multi-channel communication strategy.

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Céline Granier, perpetuating her business through digital marketing (SEO/Youtube)

Céline Granier is a tax lawyer in Paris. Methodical and rigorous, she develops her activity with exemplary precision. I wanted to organize a podcast with Céline to show how to intelligently and strategically develop an individual activity by setting up a multi-channel communication strategy.

Céline Granier: Lawyer & Youtuber?

To continue attracting new customers, Céline Granier does not rely solely on word-of-mouth. Although recommendations are a major part of her acquisition, Céline has accelerated things by diversifying her communication actions. One of these actions is its presence on YouTube. Although she is not a YouTuber in the classical sense, having published only a dozen videos, she has nearly 5,000 subscribers and her videos have accumulated tens of thousands of views, an impressive figure for a tax lawyer. So how did she succeed?

Céline was supported in the creation of her videos, from the production to the online release. It identified important themes for its customers, produced precise scripts to respond to their problems, produced clear videos and positioned itself on specific keywords. This last step is essential because YouTube is a video search engine, and positioning yourself on keywords ensures excellent visibility. Céline reveals her strategy from A to Z to Z to make effective YouTube videos.

Multichannel strategy: Youtube/Networks/SEO

YouTube is only one aspect of Céline's strategy. She understood that before becoming a customer, a prospect tends to see you in several places. This is why Céline is also very present on LinkedIn and Instagram, where she deepens and develops what she discusses in her videos. She also optimized the SEO of her website, ranking among the first results for very competitive keywords such as “tax lawyer in Paris”.

In the podcast, she explains how she is organized to reconcile customer management and communication actions. Céline is the perfect example of a well-thought-out strategy to perpetuate its flow of customers through digital marketing. She shows that she knew how to surround herself well to become a reference in taxation in a few years.