
Free advice & lawyers

Giving advice without getting to the bottom of it is neither helping your customer nor helping your business to grow.

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Free advice & lawyers

As a lawyer, offering free advice to your clients may seem counterintuitive. However, this approach can actually benefit your business and your customers. In this article, we'll explain how giving relevant advice for free can increase conversion, position you as an expert, and improve your SEO. We also offer you concrete advice to implement this strategy.

Increase conversion

Offering free advice can help increase the conversion of prospects into customers. By providing insight into your expertise and helping potential clients resolve a minor legal issue, you can build a trusting relationship. Satisfied clients will be more likely to use your services for more complex legal issues and to recommend your firm to their friends and family.

Practical advice: Offer free 30-minute consultations to discuss the legal issues of your potential customers. This will allow you to show your expertise and create an initial connection with them.

Position yourself as an expert

Giving advice for free can also strengthen your image as an expert in your field. By sharing your know-how, you show that you are at the forefront of the latest legal developments and that you are in a position to provide solutions adapted to the needs of your customers.

Practical advice: Write blog posts or make videos on legal topics that are relevant to your customers. Share this content on your social networks and your website to demonstrate your expertise.

Improve your SEO

By offering free advice on your website, you are creating quality content that can improve your SEO. Search engines favor websites that offer useful and relevant information, which can help you attract more visitors and potential customers.

Practical advice: Optimize your blog posts and videos using keywords that are relevant to your area of expertise and your target sector. Everyone gives advice for starting a business, much less explain in concrete terms how to launch a video editing agency. Also, remember to structure your content in a clear way and to use appropriate tags and meta descriptions.

Giving to receive

Giving free advice to your customers may seem paradoxical, but this strategy can actually boost your business and help you grow. By offering relevant and quality advice, you can increase conversion, position yourself as an expert, and improve your SEO. By following the concrete advice offered in this article, you can take full advantage of this approach to boost your business and retain your customers.

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