
Making a video for your law firm?

Video is a luxury. It is a demanding format that should be done only when it is of interest. When is video relevant for a law firm?

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Making a video for your law firm?

When should you make a video for your law firm?

A clear and precise service offer does not necessarily need a video

If your law firm's service offering is already clear and precise, a video is not necessarily necessary. Indeed, if your prospects easily understand what you are offering and if your website is well designed and informative, they will not need additional visual support to make up their mind.

Concrete example: A law firm specializing in business law has a comprehensive and well-structured website, with detailed sheets for each area of expertise. Prospects quickly find the information they are looking for and can contact the firm without having to watch an explanatory video: No need to make a video.

In reality, it is often rare that this is the case. Law firms often content themselves with presenting their teams, their achievements and their expertise (which are often too numerous). But if your site is designed for your customer, around your services, your methods, a video will be used to support his points (with a video of customer cases)

The video to sell

In some cases, a video can be a great tool for turning a lead into a customer. A well-made video, presenting the firm's methods and approach, can create an emotional connection with the prospect and convince them to use your services.

Concrete example : A law firm specializing in family law makes a video presenting its team and its human approach to cases. Prospects, affected by the empathy and listening of lawyers, are more likely to choose this firm to support them in their efforts.
Another example : You practice business law, your clients always ask you the same question about your working methods: How will an LBO happen. Make a motion design video that explains what the risks are, what mistakes should not be made and why only hiring a lawyer can save them a lot, a lot of money.

Where to use this type of format? Your social networks, your website.

Video to stand out from the competition

In a competitive industry, making a video can help you stand out from your competitors. By highlighting the specificities of your firm and illustrating your successes, you can attract the attention of potential clients and encourage them to choose you over another firm.

The transparency of your services is an asset that is too neglected by firms.

Concrete example : A generalist law firm produces a video featuring testimonies from satisfied clients, excerpts from hearings and highlights from the life of the firm. This video, broadcast on social networks, attracts the attention of prospects and generates contact requests.

The importance of recycling your videos into multiple contents

Once you've invested time and resources into making a quality video, it's important to maximize its impact by recycling it in different forms and on different mediums.

Marketing and communication teams tend to create content with high added value. These contents take time, they are tiring to produce and as a result, we are exhausted at the end, at the most important moment: broadcasting.

You have to focus on this last aspect! Where will I share my video, in which blog pages will it be relevant? Can I reshare the video multiple times?

Indeed, the distribution of your video on your website, your social networks, your social networks, your blogs and your emails will make it possible to reach a large audience and to reinforce the coherence of your communication.

Concrete example : A law firm specializing in real estate law produces a video presenting the different stages of a real estate purchase. This video is integrated into their website, but also shared on their social networks and their blog, in the form of detailed articles. Additionally, the video is cut into short sequences that are used as visual elements in their newsletters. Thus, the firm multiplies the points of contact with its prospects and increases the visibility of its video.

What tools should you use to create videos for your law firm?

Adobe Premiere for professional videos

To make videos of professional quality, Adobe Premiere is one of the most popular tools among experts. This software offers a wide range of features that allow videos to be manipulated accurately and creatively. Whether for editing, colorimetry, or adding special effects, Adobe Premiere effectively meets the needs of law firms wishing to project a polished and professional image.

CapCut for simple facecam videos

If your goal is to create facecam videos that are simple and straightforward, CapCut is a great option. Easy to use, this application allows quick editing on your smartphone or tablet. CapCut is ideal for lawyers who want to make quick updates or personal messages without requiring the full infrastructure of a video studio.

Submagic for the integration of subtitles with artificial intelligence

Incorporating subtitles is crucial to making your videos accessible to a wider audience, including those who watch without the audio. Submagic, thanks to artificial intelligence, allows accurate and synchronized subtitles to be added automatically. This improves the accessibility and understanding of your videos, which is essential for effectively communicating your message. We have just realized

What video formats are preferred?

Horizontal format for the web and YouTube

For videos intended to be embedded on your website or shared on YouTube, choose a horizontal format. This format is ideal for more detailed presentations or longer how-to videos that require sustained attention from the viewer.

Vertical format for social networks

On the other hand, for content intended for social networks such as Instagram, TikTok or Snapchat, the vertical format has become unavoidable. The algorithms of these platforms favor this type of format because it is better adapted to mobile devices, which considerably increases your visibility and engagement.

Making a video to present the services of your law firm can be relevant in some cases, in particular to stand out from the competition, create an emotional connection with prospects, or recycle content on various media. However, it is essential not to overlook the other aspects of your communication and to ensure that the service offer is clear and precise. Before you start making a video, carefully assess your needs and the potential benefits of this type of communication.