
Making files transparent and building customer loyalty - Ganaëlle Soussan, lawyer & founder of Applicab

Discover in our podcast 'The Cheat Code' with Ganaëlle Soussan, lawyer and founder of Applicab, how transparency and technological innovation can transform the management of legal cases and build customer loyalty.

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Making files transparent and building customer loyalty - Ganaëlle Soussan, lawyer & founder of Applicab

In the last episode of our series “The Cheat Code”, we had the honor of welcoming Ganaëlle Soussan, lawyer and innovator in the legal field. Founder of Applicab, an application designed to modernize legal case management, Ganaëlle shared with us her unique perspectives on the importance of transparency in the lawyer-client relationship and how it can transform client loyalty.

Innovation at the service of transparency

In a sector as competitive as law, standing out is crucial. Applicab meets this need by offering a dedicated user space where customers can follow the evolution of their case in real time. This innovation, at the crossroads of technology and law, is improving the way lawyers interact with their clients.

Applicab also optimizes processes by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. This automation allows lawyers to focus on the most critical and personalized aspects of their cases, thus improving the quality of service provided.

A selling point... and loyalty

Improving the relationship with its customers is the most important lever in terms of loyalty. By providing an exceptional user experience, Applicab helps firms build a base of satisfied and loyal clients that is essential for a successful legal practice.

We won't tell you more, and we let you enjoy our moment alongside Maître Soussan, whom we thank warmly.