
The Top Podcasts for Lawyers

You are looking for inspiration to develop your law firm! Here is a selection of the best podcasts for

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The Top Podcasts for Lawyers

Non-exhaustive list of podcasts for lawyers! There are more than 10 but adding “Top 10" makes you click and freak out competitors who make podcasts 😱!

Podcasts about business development

Here you will find podcasts to develop your business, to find areas of development for your law firm.

The Cheat Code by Ourama

Average time: 40 minutes - inspiration/concrete advice - Video and audio

You know us, we are proud of what we produce! The Cheat Code welcomes lawyers, business developers, firm marketing directors, as well as legal entrepreneurs to share a ton of marketing methods with you. Discover concrete “cheat codes” to put in place for your own lawyer business. The place of AI, doing a “coup de communication”, the tools that facilitate daily life, creating a community, looking for the first clients, positioning yourself in a market, how to recruit in your firm, and many other topics are on the agenda. On The Cheat Code, we discuss everything, we discover profiles like no other, we learn and all that's left is to replicate!

Every Tuesday (Monday evening in preview) a new episode on the channel Ourama YouTube !

Advocat by Anomia

Average time: 1 hour - inspiration/concrete advice - Audio mainly

Find great lawyers, known and lesser-known, who, through their inspiring career, share with you tips and best practices for developing your law firm. A boon for young lawyers or future lawyers looking for feedback. Our favorite podcast: that of Jean-Michel Darrois, interviewed by Valentin Tonti-Bernard. Available on all streaming platforms.

Avocado flower by Lilas Louise Maréchaud

Average time: 2 hours - inspiration/concrete advice - Audio mainly

To understand the profession of lawyer, you need to know their secrets. Sincere and authentic conversations where lawyers present their history, methods and activities, presented by Lilas Louise Maréchaud. A ton of episodes to listen to on all streaming platforms and, recently, to watch in video format!

Generation Entrepreneurs Lawyers by Charlotte Hugon and Audrey Chemouli

Average time: 1 hour - inspiration/concrete advice - Audio

Who said lawyers had to be old-fashioned? Discover innovative lawyers who have reinvented their business model. A podcast to make you real entrepreneurial lawyers, without blah blah, only concrete, all accompanied by the lively energy of Charlotte Hugon and Audrey Chemouli !

Without dress by David Minucci

Average time: 1 hour - debate - Audio and video

Once a month, three lawyers meet around a table and discuss their experiences, their opinions, goals... David goes on to discuss typical topics that lawyers encounter during the practice of their profession. A refreshing podcast that allows you to discover profiles from all over France and to learn more about the reality of the profession!

SOLO! By Doctrine

Average time: 30 min - debate - Audio and video

It is better to be alone than in bad company. Discover the podcast SOLO, presented by Master Rémy Dandan, where authentic and sincere discussions are held between individual lawyers. What is the reality of the job? How to develop your business? How does an installation take place? In each episode, the guests talk about the difficulties and successes they have experienced. Master Dandan Animate everything with intensity and listen! A comforting podcast that allows you to take a step back from your daily life as a lawyer and be inspired by best practices!

Quasar by Rock The Law

Average time: 2 hours - discussions - Audio and video

Quasar is a young podcast, where you will discover actors from the world of law, entrepreneurs, lawyers talking with Pierre Colliot, Founder of Rock The Law ! They dissect the methods for developing your law firm, talk about their experiences and tell their stories to inspire you in your own work: Growth, marketing, AI, content strategy. Great testimonies to help you in your development!

Legal news podcasts

Here you will find podcasts to develop your legal knowledge and general knowledge in the field, for lawyers and future lawyers.

Legal Club Sandwich through Audrey Déléris, Pierre Landy and Lyndia Lesauvage

Average time: 45 min - Discussion - Audio

With Legal Club Sandwich, discover high quality legal content, but in a relaxed way! With super guests, they dissect legal concepts And news in episodes of about 1 hour. It is both frisk and Well produced ! You will find discussions that are enriching and accessible, ideal for deepening your knowledge while having a good time.

One two right by Thomas Courvalin, employment lawyer

Average time: 3 to 20 min depending on the theme - Educational - Video

Thomas Courvalin Resume a Astronomical quantity of legal themes and provides training in the form of videos. With 16k followers upon youtube to 324 instructional videos, you have what to do to learn or relearn certain concepts Of labor law at his side.

Law (her) by Estelle By: business law for female entrepreneurs

Average time: 10 to 20 min depending on the theme - Educational - Audio

Law (her) Is the Legal podcast Who helps the female entrepreneurs to develop their activities. Estelle By, in short episodes, shares his knowledge in business law. Whether it's for you inspire for your own podcast or to develop your knowledge of business law, this is the podcast for you.

Spirit of Justice by France Culture

Average time: 1h - Inspiration/Culture - Audio

While the Request for justice has never been stronger and that the upright And the institutions have never been so weakened, Spirit of justice proposes to search for a compass to find your way around this Troubled world. By Antoine Garapon.

Tout Droit Tout Tout Simple by Delphine Bordier

Average time: 40 minutes - Legal professions - Audio

Tout Droit Tout Simple is the meeting place for legal professionals. Delphine Bordier, former lawyer, legal director and now Legal Ops, helps Legal Departments to save time and improve their productivity in order to contribute more to the growth of the company. On her podcast, alongside her guests, she presents the various and new legal professions.

Special mention: Collaborator

Average time: 40min - Recruitment - Audio

The world of law firms is opaque. How do you find your way around when you are a student lawyer or a young collaborator? Which firm should you choose when you are an employee? To remedy this, Eva Schick, founder of the company Neria, created the podcast Collaborator. She interviews young lawyers who tell the story of the beginning of their collaboration. A refreshing and reassuring podcast for all young graduates or employees who have questions.

Any other podcasts to suggest?

We don't have an eye everywhere and we may have missed a show that is worth watching to develop the clientele of your law firm! Do not hesitate to send us your suggestions so we can go see it!