
SEO & Lawyer: The guide to being 1st on Google

We've compiled all of our SEO knowledge and learnings for lawyers in this guide. No blah blah, just actionable advice accompanied by exclusive videos to implement a relevant SEO strategy step by step. Happy reading!

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SEO & Lawyer: The guide to being 1st on Google

What is natural referencing SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the set of techniques aimed at optimize a website for search engines, in order to improve its visibility and its positioning in search results. Basically, to be the first to search on Google: “Bordeaux tax lawyer”

Why is SEO so useful for a law firm?

Today, most people seek information and services online, including lawyers. That's why having a well-visible website on Google is important for lawyers.

By optimizing your site for search engines, you can attract organically more visitors, who could become your customers.

The key? Publish useful content that really answers the questions and needs of your potential customers. In this guide, we'll see why it's important to stick to your customers' research, how to write articles hard-hitting and the basics of SEO not to be missed.

Understanding search intentions in SEO

For lawyers, understanding how Google works is essential to reach their audience and boost their SEO.

Google aims to show the best possible answers. It classifies the sites according to their content, quality and popularity. The more a site is visited, the more reliable Google considers it to be.

The trick? Publish content — articles, videos — that really capture the interest of readers. Choose topics that touch on your customers' problems to find the right keywords. For example, in criminal law, focus on the offences that are most common among your customers.

In this guide, we teach you how to find your search intentions using SEM Rush and how to then build these items!

Stop writing articles that don't give you anything

In this guide, we teach you the steps to build articles that allow you to be well referenced:

  • Create a relevant and catchy title : Your title should be clear, concise and make you want to click while integrating the keywords you are aiming for.
  • How to structure your article with H2-H3 titles: They organize your content, make it readable, and help Google understand the structure of your article. Also include your keywords.
  • How to optimize images : These elements enrich your text and can improve your SEO if used well.
  • Use internal and external links : Links reinforce the structure of your article. Les internal links link to other pages on your site, while external links point to reliable sources, thus boosting your authority

Understanding the benefits of backlinks in SEO

Backlinks, or inbound links, play a key role in SEO. They are like votes of confidence from other sites in yours. When a quality site refers to your site, it is a strong signal for search engines that your content is relevant and reliable. Plus you have good quality backlinks, the more your site is perceived as An authority in your field, which can significantly improve your ranking in search results.

In the guide, you will understand how to find your backlinks and especially why you should put this strategy in place.

Understand if my SEO strategy is working?

In the guide, we teach you how to assess whether your SEO strategy is working: you can base yourself on several key indicators:

  1. Improving rankings in search results : Use tools like Google Search Console/SEM Rush to monitor your position for specific keywords. If you see an upward trend, your strategy is bearing fruit.
  2. Increase in organic traffic : With Google Analytics, examine the evolution of organic traffic to your site. An increase indicates better visibility in searches.
  3. Traffic quality : You learn to look not only at the volume of traffic but also at the quality. Indicators like time spent on the site, bounce rate, and page views per session will tell you if you're attracting the right audience.
  4. Conversions : SEO isn't just about traffic; it's also about conversion. Analysis tools will allow you to monitor the desired actions (registrations, contacts, purchases) carried out thanks to organic traffic

Download the guide: SEO for lawyers

We've compiled all of our SEO knowledge and learnings in this guide. No blah blah, just actionable advice accompanied by exclusive videos to implement a relevant SEO strategy step by step. Happy reading!

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