
Setting up Cookies - Being a friendly GDPR lawyer

Managing cookies is a fundamental aspect of the online presence for law firms: how do you go about it?

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Setting up Cookies - Being a friendly GDPR lawyer

The Importance of Cookies for Law Firm Sites

For a law firm, especially those navigating in the world of IP-IT, cookies are not just a “plus”. They don't just improve the user experience on your website; they're also at the heart of your data protection regulatory compliance (GDPR) strategy. Basically, you are not an e-merchant and you are not going to offer targeted advertising or specific designs based on cookies. But you want to

1 - Show that you respect the law, which would be the ultimate for a lawyer. Especially if you are an IP-IT lawyer, before proposing compliance, be in the know yourself

2 - Do you want to at least retrieve login information and collect the navigation data of your visitors (page views, traffic sources, number of visitors...) to implement marketing strategies in line with the results received.

Cookie Management Solutions: Axeption and Cookie Consent

To collect cookies and manage them, there are tools. Here are two: Axeptio and Osano are among the solutions preferred by professionals. They allow websites to comply with legal requirements for collecting and managing personal data, providing peace of mind for both law firms and their clients. But these solutions have a cost, which is combined with all the others (CMS, hosting...). Around €24 per month...

Our solution on Webflow: Cookie Consent by Finsweet

We offer a free solution on Webflow, thanks to the Finsweet Cookie Consent tool, specially adapted to the needs of law firms. This solution allows you to easily customize the management of cookies on your site, thus ensuring compliance with the RGPD. This is an essential step to protect your users' data and strengthen the trust of your customers in your cabin: Installing Cookies with Finsweet

(A video on the subject is coming)

Why is cookie compliance crucial?

Complying with personal data regulations is not only a legal requirement; it is a strategic approach that differentiates your firm in a competitive market. A striking fact: 81% of Internet users express concerns about the use of their personal data. By adopting a clear and compliant cookie policy, you are addressing these concerns and valuing your commitment to privacy.

A rigorous approach from the start of your business not only ensures a better valuation of your firm in the long term but also strengthens your credibility and your online reputation. For certain areas of activity, especially in IP-IT, the personal data you process can be a key element of your value proposition, as long as everything is in order from the start.

At Ourama, we include setting up Finsweet Cookies Consent for all our customers for free. This should be the basis for all website providers, unfortunately, if paid products like Axeptio exist, it is because they are not for everyone.