
Prospecting thanks to LinkedIn

Your LinkedIn profile is your first prospecting asset. To capture the attention of your targets, it must be clearly structured and oriented towards your expertise.

And your website in all of this?
Prospecting thanks to LinkedIn

Why is LinkedIn essential for prospecting?

In a world where traditional prospecting methods such asemailing or telephone calls are becoming less effective, LinkedIn is the ideal platform for professionals such as solicitors, notaries, chartered accountants and wealth management advisors (CGP). This professional social network offers a more comprehensive approach Direct and Personalized, making it possible to contact an audience composed mainly of CSP+ And of leaders. Prospecting thanks to LinkedIn makes it possible not only to reach a qualified audience, but also to build solid and lasting professional relationships.

LinkedIn: a powerful tool for targeted prospecting

A search engine to find your ideal prospects

LinkedIn has a advanced search tool extremely efficient. Thanks to precise filters (sector of activity, position held, company, location), you can identify and target prospects in a very targeted. This offers you the opportunity to focus your efforts on the profiles that are most relevant to your business, thus increasing your commercial efficiency.

A more direct and personalized approach

By using LinkedIn, you can establish contact direct with your prospects via private messages, thus bypassing the barriers of spam or email filters. This method promotes more human and personalized exchanges, which is essential for establishing a relationship of trust. In addition, by accessing the profiles and publications of your prospects, you can adapt your approach according to their interests or their specific needs.

The ideal audience on LinkedIn for legal and consulting professionals

LinkedIn is full of quality profiles: managers and CSP+

LinkedIn is a real breeding ground for decision makers, of leaders And of CSP+, targets particularly sought after by solicitors, notaries, chartered accountants, and CGP. These profiles, which are often difficult to reach by other means, are very active on LinkedIn. They use the platform to get information, share ideas and network with experts in their field. If you want to touch influential people who have specific needs in terms of legal or financial advice, LinkedIn is the preferred channel.

Attract these profiles through an optimized LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your new one business card. To attract these quality prospects, it must be irreproachable. Highlight your key competencies, your valuations, and your concrete achievements. One professional photo And a powerful description strengthen your credibility. Every detail counts to position yourself as an expert in your field and encourage these profiles to contact you directly.

Optimize my LinkedIn profile

Be active to be noticed by decision makers

On LinkedIn, simply being present is not enough. It is essential to post regularly relevant content, of comment And ofinteract with the posts of your targets. These are the actions that will allow you to be visible to decision makers and to win their trust as an expert. Participating in discussions around topics specific to your sector is a great way to differentiate yourself and position yourself in reference.

Tools to boost your prospecting on LinkedIn

Waalaxy: Automate and optimize your messages

Waalaxy is a tool designed to automate your prospecting on LinkedIn. It allows you to send targeted messages and quickly expand your network by creating multi-channel campaigns (LinkedIn and email). With Waalaxy, you can contact several dozen prospects per day effortlessly, while personalizing each message. It is the perfect tool for professionals who want to increase their visibility without spending too much time on it.

Lemlist: Create an acquisition system connected to your CRM

Lemlist goes further by offering a complete solution to automate your LinkedIn emailing and prospecting campaigns, while being connected to your CRM. You can thus track each interaction with your prospects, personalize your shipments on a large scale, and adjust your strategies in real time. For professionals like solicitors or notaries, this tool allows you to create a real acquisition system to effectively convert prospects into customers.

Lemlist, l'outil indispensable pour votre prospection et d'automatisation  d'email

Surfe: Enrich data and optimize your CRM

If you've implemented a CRM like Pipedrive, Hubspot (see the best CRMs for regulated professions)... you need accurate data. Surfe helps you enrich data of your prospects directly from LinkedIn. By retrieving additional information about their profiles, you can refine your campaigns and integrate this valuable data into your CRM. This tool is essential for structuring prospecting. efficient and get a full vision of each prospect before contacting them. More data means better targeted, more accurate, and therefore more effective prospecting.

Surfe + Lemlist: A War Machine

Surfe and Lemlist form a powerful combination for professionals who want to maximize their prospecting on LinkedIn without leaving the platform. Surfe enriches your data directly from LinkedIn, allowing you to automatically integrate accurate information about your prospects into your CRM. Once this data is consolidated, Lemlist allows you to launch emailing campaigns Or of LinkedIn messages directly from the platform, without having to switch from one application to another. This seamless integration between Surfe and Lemlist allows you to stay focused on LinkedIn while automating your mailings efficiently, while customizing your approaches at scale.

LinkedIn prospecting strategies

Optimize your profile to attract prospects

Your LinkedIn profile is your first prospecting asset. To capture the attention of your targets, it must be clearly structured and oriented towards your expertise. Highlight your specific skills, your sector of activity, and especially concrete achievements that demonstrate your expertise. A well-built profile immediately inspires trust and makes prospects want to contact you. Also, remember to use relevant keywords to be well referenced in LinkedIn searches.

Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator for even more accurate targeting

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a premium tool that improves your prospecting by offering you even more search features Refined. You can target prospects based on criteria such as their sector of activity, their hierarchy level, or their interactions on LinkedIn. You also benefit from personalized recommendations based on your previous research and actions. This tool makes it possible to gain in efficiency by directly accessing the profiles that are most relevant to your business, thus maximizing your chances of conversion.

The importance of a human and non-automated approach

While automation can make some tasks easier, the personalizing is crucial for successful prospecting on LinkedIn (especially since most automation tools are prohibited by orders). Sending generic or automated messages can quickly be perceived as Spam, and you risk losing the interest of your prospects. Taking an approach is essential Human and adapted to each interlocutor. Take the time to go through the profiles of your targets, to understand their needs and to write messages that specifically respond to their problems. A personalized approach shows that you really care about the person, which immediately establishes a climate of trust.

Examples of effective first messages

When you send a first message to a prospect on LinkedIn, the clearness And the relevancy are your best allies. The aim is to capture attention in a few lines while personalizing your speech enough to avoid the impression of a mass message. Here is an effective example for a wealth manager

“Hello [Name]. I support several customers sharing your profile and I have managed to save them [X] thousands of euros on average, i.e. an ROI of [X]. Would you be available for a quick exchange to see if it is possible to do the same for you?”

This type of message is short, personalized, and immediately show the added value of interaction.

Maintaining contact and nurturing the relationship

Prospecting does not end with sending a first message. The tracking is essential to convert a prospect into a customer, hence the importance of a CRM. After an initial interaction, continue to fuel the relationship by sharing relevant content, commenting on their posts, or sending them information that may be of interest to them. It demonstrates your expertise and shows that you are listening to their needs. A well-maintained relationship on LinkedIn increases your chances of closing deals in the medium and long term, while positioning you as a trusted referent in your field.