
Turn your site around your customers.

Find out how to organize your services on the site of your law firm, in order to be more visible on search engines and encourage you to make an appointment!

The complete guide to SEO for lawyers
Turn your site around your customers.

Organize on the site of your firm, its services, areas of intervention or expertise... It is sometimes as complicated as choosing between the word services, fields, expertise, or specialties to present them.

Organize your services

The interest of organizing well his services Is double. Because you do it both for your target but also to be the better reference possible on Google.

For your customers

The first point is to choose the right Name of each of your services. And to choose them to be visible and understood by your customers (and not by your colleagues)! We can't say it enough, but avoid falling into the trap of overly legal jargon, especially if your Target is not at all used to it. Facilitate the search for information for your users, to Direct them to the right pages And in push as much as possible to make an appointment. A person who hesitates on a site or Can't find it quickly What she is looking for will leave the site in 90% of cases.

Facilitating navigation for users should also be taken into account. A person who arrives on your site if Does not know you Again or Don't just look for your contact details Will be in the majority of cases To the looking for your services (and not from your bio sorry...). This person will seek reassurance and comfort in the idea that you will meet their needs. Make sure that your services are easily accessible on the site : for example, when you Build a blog page on a topic which concerns a dedicated service, Be sure to create the link on these pages.


In addition to choosing Words that speak to your customers, make sure they are keywords that know a significant volume of research. No need to position yourself on a word that is being searched 1 time per month. To do this, we recommend that you use the tool: Semrush. A tool that allows you to know the keywords on which to position yourself.

Your service names will be the titles of your pages, so it is very important to choose their name carefully to be referenced as best as possible by Google.

The organization Of your pages Is very important to optimize your referencingT. Google is a robot that visits your pages And give them a note in relation to the content and the meaning they have. If you combine all of your activities on the same page, a “mother” page, Google will categorize this page as the service page of your office and don't go deeper Analysis for the subtitles of the page, which in your case will be your services. Google does not you will not reference the keywords of your services buts on your service page and therefore the keywords “service lawyer law xxx”.

Results : your services Will not be not highlighted On the search engines. For this reason, we recommend creating “children” pages, i.e. dedicated pages for each of your services. Google will analyze them, observe that the title of your page (The H1 title) is the name of your service. And it will be of the keyword that will be highlighted the most on the search engine.

Organizational suggestions

The ideal, so it's A service page Which brings together All services + a call to action that links to each of the dedicated pages for each service. On each of these pages, you present the service In a way more detailed, you add your Methods of accompaniment, a few reinsurance elements And a call to action (making an appointment).

Another alternative which can also be a complementary solution is to classify by type of customer. Too little used, but which lend themselves very well to certain situations, the obvious example: when you have a relatively unique service, but which varies according to the client being accompanied.

The advantage of these pages in addition toimprove your SEO and that they offer communication tools easily usable and shareable. You can make these pages advertising pages. Here is an example here with the site ofEllogne Tigori. For Ellogne, we have built a page for each type of client, with an explanation of their advice and litigation support inside.

To help you and allow you to be autonomous in optimizing your SEO, we have created a ultra complete and detailed guide to SEO. To download it click on the button below 👇