
Differentiating reputation and credibility

In your strategy for acquiring your law firm, you must clearly differentiate between reputation and credibility.

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Differentiating reputation and credibility

Differentiating reputation and credibility

“I need to make myself known, I'm going to create a website.” The hardest part for a lawyer is not creating a website, but getting prospects to visit it. Your website is a sales tool and serves to make you credible. It is your reputation that will push people to visit it. Notoriety is correlated to the scope of your actions on a market, to get people talking about you. Several areas of notoriety exist:

Develop your reputation as a lawyer physically

By presenting yourself at fairs, events organized by your target audience, by inviting people to lunch, by being recommended to you to develop your reputation through concrete actions.

Develop your reputation as an online lawyer

By publishing on your social networks, by chatting online with the people who visit your digital windows (Mail, LinkedIn or Chatbot on your site), who publish content or comment on yours, by writing articles on your blog and by resharing them on your acquisition channels...

All these actions, physical or digital, intertwine and constitute the most important part of your acquisition strategy. Your objective is simple, push your target to contact you.

Acts of notoriety linked to acts of credibility

Your acts of notoriety serve to make you known. Credibilization actions serve to ensure respect for you in your field of expertise.

As a lawyer, by virtue of your status, you are already an expert. But there are 70,000 of you. You are therefore forced to leave this mass of lawyers and to carry out well-known actions. But these same actions can discredit you just as much. It's all about measurement. Take the example of Professor Raoult, regardless of whether what he said was true or not, he became famous and initially seen as an expert. Today, he was mocked by all his order. His strong reputation has eroded his credibility.

Take the risk of carrying out well-known acts: participate in trade shows, speak in public (on LinkedIn or at events), take strong positions.

Then punctuated by the demonstration of your expertise: write articles, conduct webinars on specific topics.

Your target will discover you through your notoriety actions and will learn about your skills.

And customer acquisition in all of this?

Your website must transform your visitors into prospects

We distinguish a visitor (person who navigates on your website), a prospect (person who carries out an action towards you), and a customer (person who pays for your services). Your website must be structured so that visitors who come across your website become prospects. Your actions to raise awareness will push people to visit your website.

This is where your website should serve to make you credible in the eyes of your target audience: Use these words, highlight your skills, your achievements. In short, emphasize that you are the lawyer who will best respond to his problem.

Then push him to contact you and then push him to use your services!