
AI and video translation: Translating your content in 3 clicks

Learn how HeyGen Video Translate is revolutionizing video translation for international firms, offering seamless, borderless communication.

Generating videos using AI
AI and video translation: Translating your content in 3 clicks

Multilingual communication is a differentiating element for independent professional or international consulting firms that wish to develop beyond French borders. However, creating content adapted to each language can be complex and expensive. That's where HeyGen comes in with its feature, “Video Translate”.

Translate your videos in 3 clicks

“Video Translate” allows you to translate any video simply by dragging and dropping your file. Then choose the destination language from a wide range of supported languages, ranging from English to Japanese. The tool even offers the possibility of maintaining your original accent, while perfectly adapting the movement of the lips to the translated lyrics.

Open the borders of your office

With “Video Translate”, translate your content from English, Spanish, French, French, Chinese, and more, into languages including French, Spanish, Hindi, and Italian, with the option of maintaining or adopting an American accent.

Pricing adapted to your needs

HeyGen offers various subscriptions, from free to Business plans, to meet the needs of each practice. The free version already offers a glimpse of the power of the tool, while the paid versions expand the possibilities, including free monthly credits and up to 4K resolution.

Our experience with the paid version

We tested the paid version of Video Translate, and frankly, we are happy with the result. The tool translated our videos well, keeping the essence of our message intact. The videos still took quite a long time to load but compared to the time of a video shoot or the price of an interpreter, it's quite incredible.