
Hotjar - Spy on your website users

Analyze the behavior of users on your website!

With a site it's better!
Hotjar - Spy on your website users

Once your site is created, unfortunately, the work does not stop now. The next step is to analyze whether your site is functional and effective. Several tools allow you to observe this. In this article, we introduce you to Hotjar.

Do you know Hotjar?

Hotjar records user activities on your website so that you can view them later. This can highlight your successful pages, how long users stay on the pages, and those that are not sufficiently highlighted and generate no or few clicks. Hotjar also makes it possible to highlight non-functional pages or those with a high bounce rate and the reasons why. The interest for you is therefore to understand how people navigate on your site in order to make the changes necessary to optimize it.

No worries about compliance with data protection rules, the tool is fully RGDP friendly. Just remember to add its use in your legal notices.

To find out more and set up Hotjar on your site:

Always in the spirit of understanding user behavior, I invite you if you have not already done so to read our article on Google Analytics.