
Lawyer & Google Analytics: Measuring the effectiveness of my website

How to integrate and use Google Analytics? Learn how to interpret the main Google Analytics metrics to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your law firm's website!

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Lawyer & Google Analytics: Measuring the effectiveness of my website

What is Google Analytics 4?

How many Anyone visiting my site? D'Where are they coming? On Which pages are they going? Where are they located? Visitors use their computers or mobile phones ? All of these questions you have been asking yourself have been answered for a while now!

Google Analytics or GA4 allows you to answer these questions. It is Google's indispensable tool for measure traffic on your website. To put it simply, it is a 100% free tool, which allows you to understand how users behave on your website.

Why integrate GA4

“I have a site, now I am waiting for customers.” Having a site is not enough it must be optimized. Understanding how visitors behave allows you to highlight lots of things on your site. The seo of the site. Effectiveness of your communication campaigns. The contribution of the website on your turnover. The number new users. If users click on the various forms...

All of these elements, once analyzed, allow you to: make appropriate decisions to improve your website and your communication actions.

Define your KPIs

Don't panic when you first arrive at the Google Analytics interface. There are statistics, graphs, information everywhere. Your first job is going to be to choose the information that is useful to you and create a dashboard that is simple but says a lot about your site. The aim is to save time and therefore avoid getting lost every day in all the tabs. Quickly GA4 will have no more secrets for you!

Key things to look out for

No need to spend hours and hours on your statistics! Here, you need to look at the essential information about the use of your website to be able to understand what works and what needs to be improved.

  • Number of users : Evaluate the scope of your site. Beyond knowing how many users browsed your site this week. You can find out if there are new users. Their ages, genders, the city from which they are visiting the site. Concretely know if your website reaches the target you are aiming for.

    For example, a significant number of people who filled out your contact forms are not from the region. Thanks to Google Analytics you discover that 40% of your visitors come from Nantes while you work in Strasbourg. Review the clarity of this information on your site.
  • Visited pages : What are the pages that Pleasant And those who are not pleasant. How do users move around my website. Why is no one going to my practice page? The “area of expertise” page is a hit! How long did the visitor stay on my offer page?

    Example: The bounce rate on the home page is very high, 90% of people only stay for a few seconds before leaving the site. In this case, go through Ourama for an extraordinary site! More seriously try to understand why people leave the page. On GA4 you discover that 90% of visitors are on mobile, your site may not be adapted to this type of screen!
  • Acquisition channels : Identify traffic sources. GA4 allows you to understand How do users land on your site Know if your latest communication campaigns have been effective.

    For example, you have few visitors by”Organic Search” but a lot of traffic by”Organic Social.” Your campaigns on social networks are therefore effective but when you are searched for on search engines they cannot find you. And those who find you are looking for a business lawyer in Paris while you specialize in family law. Rework your SEO,, it's likely that your keyword choices aren't good enough.
  • Number of conversions : Measure the effectiveness of the goals. Assessing the number of conversions is essential to measure the true effectiveness of your site. The conversions represent the actions you want visitors to take on your site, whether it's filling out a contact form, subscribing to a newsletter or making a purchase. It's up to you to choose them.

    Example: The “Contact” page generates very few conversions. Nobody is filling out the contact form on it. While dozens of people subscribe to my newsletter. Compare the actions implemented and apply these lessons to the less efficient sections. On my site, there are registration buttons and a pop-up on the home page for the newsletter. While only a contact tab for making appointments. Consider offering an additional incentive or simplifying the sign-up process!

Adjusting your decisions

Once your data is collected to adjust your marketing strategies accordingly. For example, you have few organic visits, that is to say, coming from Google searches! You have to doubt it then improve your SEO strategy (our article on the subject here). No miracle recipes for this part, each situation is unique, but with the data collected, you already know a lot about make appropriate decisions.

Integrate Google Analytics on your Webflow site:

A site is good. Broadcast it is even better. Analyzing the results and making decisions to optimize them is ideal. No more browsing blindly through the various changes to be made to your site when there is data that already says a lot. We already gave you some advice in our guide to creating a site for the dos and don'ts of a lawyer site: Click here to read the guide!

Now you know everything, from creating to maintaining a site, so it's up to you to play!