
The rise of Bleu Samouraï, Romain Fournier - Modern law firm

We had the pleasure of welcoming Romain Fournier, co-founder of Bleu Samouraï, a firm that is shaking up the world of law by integrating humanity and modernity into legal practice.

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The rise of Bleu Samouraï, Romain Fournier - Modern law firm

It was while scrolling on Instagram that we discovered Bleu Samouraï. And once you get past them, it's impossible to forget them: a strong identity, powerful content, you stop and subscribe.

We had the pleasure of welcoming Romain Fournier, co-founder of Blue Samurai, a firm that is shaking up the world of law by integrating humanity and modernity into legal practice. Romain, also a partner at WePulp, alongside Maître Solvan-Vitianu, revealed to us behind the scenes of the creation of Bleu Samouraï and the impact of its digital communication strategy.

Why and how to stand out for a law firm

In a world where the law is often confronted with a rigid and traditional image, Bleu Samouraï breaks the codes. The creation of a clean and distinct identity is not just an aesthetic whim, it is a strategic necessity. Romain says it: opting for a name and brand image that capture attention is not only a choice, it is a weapon.

Being a law firm on TikTok

What propelled Bleu Samouraï, in addition to their global support, was their innovative approach to communication on social networks. Present on TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, they reach their audience directly by offering legal advice in simple video formats. They have fully understood the codes of these networks and produce professional content that brings them new customers every day.

More than a practice, a traveling companion

The integration of certified coaches to support clients beyond legal aspects is perhaps one of the most innovative aspects of Bleu Samouraï. This holistic approach meets a profound need for support, whether for professional retraining or psychological well-being.

Lessons to be learned

The story of Romain Fournier and Bleu Samouraï is a vibrant reminder of what innovation and audacity can bring to the profession.