
The importance of title and description tags for its SEO.

Increasing the number of appointments means increasing your visibility on Google, optimizing your title and description tags is therefore essential.

Our article on SEO
The importance of title and description tags for its SEO.

Title tag and meta description

The blue title tag below, and the Meta description, which is the short descriptive text under the title tag, are the first pieces of information that we see when we search for you on Google, and also among the first elements that Google uses to reference you on its search engine. To put it simply, if your title tag is “Lawyer Maître Durand”, there is little chance of someone coming across you when looking for “Business Law Lawyer”.

These title tags and description tags are present on each of your pages, not just your home page. So there is real work to be done on all of your pages and content to make them as visible as possible! And generate maximum traffic to your site.

Build your title tags and Meta description

Title tag

  • Be original but respect the subject of the page : try to stand out without overdoing it. Easy to say hard to do. Through your offers, you target a specific type of users, make sure that those who click on your pages are there for that reason and not another. Basically avoid off-topic ones.
  • Respect the length : 65 characters maximum! A long title that is impactful is useless if half of it is visible! It's the shoemaker with the worst shoes who tell you, we tend to abuse the long-running titles at Ourama.
  • Use keywords : the bulk of the work will be done on the choice of keywords. You must use the words that speak and that are used by your target. We have written an article on SEO that discusses the importance of keywords and gives you concrete advice in choosing them: SEO and lawyers.

Meta description tag

Pretty much the same as for the title tag:

  • Make the subject of the page understandable and appealing : if the title tag, does not allow you to be attractive because of the subject and the limited number of characters. It is thanks to the Meta description that you will be able to write a catchy sentence! Here, in addition to standing out, you must succeed in synthesizing and quickly making understandable the subject of the content of the page. Remember that you are surrounded by choices on Google, try to stand out.
  • The length : 150 characters maximum.
  • Key words again and again : Same music as for the title tag, but to a lesser extent (the impact is relative). Again, I strongly invite you to read our article on SEO.

The unavoidable mistakes to avoid

  • The empty tags : If your tag is empty, the selected content will be random. We often end up with description tags that look like this: “Home Page - Cabinet Page - Site created with Wordpress” tags that do not add any added value, or even can be repulsive.
  • Tags that are too long : “At Ourama, we support law firms in...” In what? A tag that is too long, title or description is not at all appealing. To choose the browser will click on the page above or below yours.
  • Copy and paste tags : The description tags that use the title tags word for word are no! Uninteresting for the reader who will not be more motivated to click on your page, and no added value for SEO. You are not positioning yourself on any additional keywords and are certainly missing out on a lot of prospects.
  • (+ Capital letters for each word) : It's not beautiful, it hurts my head and in addition now, assimilated to the use of ChatGPT so not very professional...

Finally, the poor learner of title and description tags: