
Ourama - Our history, our differentiation strategy, our offers and future offers

Discover Ourama, the marketing agency that creates law firm sites. Discover our history, our offers, and our support. We tell you everything!

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Ourama - Our history, our differentiation strategy, our offers and future offers

Why Ourama and the lawyers?

The idea of founding Ourama was born out of awareness during training courses provided by Anomia for lawyers. Many of them had difficulty finding customers or applying the recommendations given during these training sessions. Many lacked the technical knowledge to implement these approaches. Based on this observation, Louis Gaillot, accompanied by Jérôme Uthurry and Valentin Tonti-Bernard, decided to create the company Ourama. The objective Is no longer just about training The lawyers, but to do it directly for them by helping to create their website.

What makes Ourama different?

We are not the only ones in the site creation market, but with 70,000 lawyers, the majority of whom need a website, there is room for several agencies. So what makes us different from other agencies?

  • Of complete, design and efficient tools : Above all, we seek to create marketing tools that are easy to use and accessible for the firm we support.
  • Training in the use of the site: With us, no hostage-taking. You don't have to call us back and pay for every change or post on your site. Our aim is to Make yourself independent with your site to allow you to focus on the development of your firm.
  • Extra-personalized support : We don't build sites in a row! For us, each project is an opportunity to learn. We dive deep into your business to understand your goals and needs. With our experience with numerous projects, we know what works for you, what fits your goals, and what doesn't. This allows us, beyond creating the site, to propose a real support project. We challenge your ideas, offer you alternatives and new perspectives. Knowing you means knowing the tools and the site that are right for you.
  • Responsiveness! (for real): A creative tool requires a lot of back and forth to adjust and propose alternatives based on your feedback. In general, we respond to these requests under 24 to 48 hours (often in 12 hours). This phase should be quick to allow you to test your ideas quickly or to receive our proposals. As a general rule, a site is online in the month following the launch of the project!

What else do you offer?

Building a graphic identity / Branding : We often adapt your website to your graphic identity. If you don't have one, we are capable of creating it. Here are some examples of visual identities created by Ourama: Océane Stehlin - Adventure Lawyer. We adapt the creation of this graphic charter to your needs, but in general, nothing complicated: a logo, letterhead, business cards, templates for social networks, etc. Nothing complicated to avoid that you do not respect it in the end. And if you have other needs, we usually include them for free in the package.

We also offer after-site!

Sometimes your website is only a reinsurance tool but it is possible that you are looking to make it a real marketing tool and to be referenced as best as possible, in this case we offer adapted support:

  • Offer natural referencing : SEO to be first on the search results with certain keywords. Depending on your budget, we optimize your website for these keywords, offer the writing of structured articles or even the complete writing of your content, articles and social networks. SEO requires time, so a commitment over a period of time is necessary. For us, the minimum commitment period to show results without forcing you is 6 months!
  • Accompaniment Publicist : On Google Ads and Meta Ads, we support you in creating and optimizing these campaigns. At the same time, we help you optimize the conversion rate of your website. These types of campaigns are essentially aimed at attracting visitors to your site in exchange for payments, so it is crucial to maximize both the conversion rate and the number of visitors.

Linkedin support

To be completely transparent with you, we Let's test right now this with law firms; some support requires a lot of time while others do not. We are still in the process of looking for an offer that is profitable for us while being honest and tailored to your needs. It happens 😉.

The prices

Transparency is our key word, all our prices are displayed on our site, whether for website offers or referencing. Right here

👇 We explain more in the video. 👇