Lou Ferdinand Dreyfus, voice of defense

We supported Lou Ferdinand-Dreyfus in the creation of his website. A site that combines elegance, clarity and simplicity.

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30 days

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Presentation of the project

Lou Ferdinand-Dreyfus

Elegance and clarity at the heart of the project

Lou Ferdinand-Dreyfus is a lawyer within the firm Temime. She accompanies victims and defendants In case of criminal problems. Wishing to highlight its support, she decided to call on Ourama to build a website that reflects your personality.

Lou is frequently Recommended by his peers, which prompted us to highlight his repute while developing a online window clear and intuitive. We designed a website uncluttered and facile To use, in order to allow visitors to focus on what matters most: how can Lou solve their legal issues.

Simplified navigation and contact making

Lou's site is designed with elegance and simplicity : three pages that retrace his career path, three pages where she sets out to Place of its customers, and three pages detailing his methodology and making it easier to make contact. THEpurpose is to reassure those who hear about Lou and want to learn more or connect with her.

We have minimized the obstacles by allowing a message to be sent personalized to Lou on each page, with easy access to his coordinates. Each section offers an overview of Lou's journey and services that she proposes, combining clearness and common sense.

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Kocon - Webflow HTML website templateKocon - Webflow HTML website templateKocon - Webflow HTML website template