Anima Dispute Resolution, excellence in international arbitration

We had the chance to support Jacob Grierson & Thomas Granier, two recognized lawyers in the field of international arbitration in the creation of their identity as well as their website.

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Anima Dispute Resolution

When Thomas & Jacob, lawyers specializing in international arbitration, decided to create their own firm, Anima Dispute Resolution, they looked for a partner capable of understanding and transmitting their unique vision through a strong graphic identity and a professional website. They chose to work with us to meet this challenge.

Development of an elegant graphic identity

Thomas & Jacob had a clear idea of what they wanted: a graphic identity that reflected the simplicity, elegance and seriousness of their firm, while emphasizing their international reach. We opted for a simple color palette, including gray, black, and white, and selected monochrome images of impressive cities and architectures, as well as vast and inspiring skies, to reinforce the visual impact of their brand.

Creation of a multilingual website 🇫🇷 🇬🇧

The Anima Dispute Resolution website had to live up to their reputation. We therefore created a multilingual site, in English and French, highlighting the solid experience and innovative methods of Thomas & Jacob. The firm's page details the strengths of the team, while the comprehensive list of cases handled by the firm demonstrates their competence and adaptability.

Three Part Blog: A Complete Content Strategy

The Anima Dispute Resolution website was designed to provide a rich and informative user experience, and in order to make it easier to use the website, we created a three-part blog to ensure that Jacob & Thomas was in control of their website. Thanks to this, they can integrate customer cases, articles and add someone as collaborators in a few clicks!

News: Improving SEO and developing the firm

The “News” section allows you to regularly publish articles on the latest news from the firm, but also arbitration content or newsletter issues. This section not only makes it possible to position Anima Dispute Resolution as a major and informed player in its field, but also to optimize the site's referencing through the use of relevant keywords.

Team: Facilitate contact for each member of the team;

The “Team” section is dedicated to the detailed presentation of Thomas, Jacob and the future members of the Anima Dispute Resolution team. Each employee will see their skills, experiences and specializations highlighted, creating a bond of trust with site visitors and highlighting the wealth of the team in terms of knowledge and expertise. This will also make it possible to multiply the opportunities of the website, by facilitating contact with each member of the team.

Customer cases: A showcase of success stories

The “Customer Cases” section is crucial to concretely demonstrate the expertise and successes of Anima Dispute Resolution. Each case study succinctly details the specific challenges faced by customers and how Thomas and Jacob were able to provide tailor-made and effective solutions. This section not only reassures potential customers about Anima Dispute Resolution's ability to manage diverse and complex cases.

Highlighting Testimonials and Prizes

The testimonies section of the site highlights the awards and awards given to Anima Dispute Resolution by prestigious bodies such as Legal 500, Who's Who Legal... thus underlining the expertise and experience of Thomas & Jacob.

To discover the identity and the website of Anima Dispute Resolution, click here:

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